History of Kinsalebeg
Kinsalebeg Church
Kinsalebeg Church near Ferrypoint in Kinsalebeg Co. Waterford appears to have been in existence since at least 1291 AD so a church has existed on this site for over seven hundred years. In all probability a church existed here earlier than this but 1291 is the earliest documented evidence of the presence of a church. This was a church we passed on a daily basis in our youth either on our way to and from school in Pilltown or Youghal or on the way home to our eyrie at Ferrypoint after a day’s work in the beet fields of Kennedys or Keanes. We had no problems passing the church during the day but passing the church on a bike or on foot on a dark winter’s night was a different kettle of fish altogether. Now we should say in advance that some of our childhood was spent in the company of Barry Harty who ran the formidable Kinsalebeg camogie team for many years. The team trained and played on Ferrypoint and when training was over and night descended Barry entered into the altogether more shady world of ghosts and goblins. One of his favourite and recurring stories concerned Kinsalebeg Church. Barry would recount the many football matches he witnessed in Keane’s field just over the wall of Kinsalebeg Church as he cycled past there late at night. The fatal mistake anyone could make was to ask Barry who was playing in the game or who played well and of course there was always some garsún in the group whose curiosity exceeded his common sense. The next half hour would be taken up with a running commentary of the match starting with the lineup – in goals for Kinsalebeg was Richie Whelan, Cal Keane was full-back and Arthur Bernard and James FitzGerald were in the corners and so on up to Matt Keane playing top of the left. We would be regaled with the scoring exploits of Mike FitzGerald and Walter Whelan pulling high balls out of the night sky despite the lack of light in what were pre-floodlit times. The match often ended with Cal Keane, a Kinsalebeg man who played football for both Waterford and Cork, rampaging up the field from his full back posting and knocking over the winning point. The match descriptions were very realistic with Barry varying the tone and speed of delivery depending on the circumstances prevailing in the game in the manner of Micheal O’Hehir. However the key factor in Barry Harty’s match report was the indisputable fact that all the participants were long since dead – indeed most of them were buried in the nearby Kinsalebeg churchyard. Barry was not averse to the odd bit of poetic license however and his teams were generally multi denominational with a spattering of Bernards and Scott Smyths in the lineup even though we all knew that cricket rather than Gaelic football was more likely to be their sport of choice. He was also not afraid to name a top player like Cal Keane who was not buried in Kinsalebeg but at Pilltown Church. Cal however was born across the road from Kinsalebeg Church and indeed the Keanes owned the land on which the ghostly games were played.
A couple of local young teenagers including Eddie McCarthy, Pat Seward Pat Hickey and myself, used to make the odd Saturday night cycle trip to Youghal to see “the pictures “ in Horgan’s cinema. The last bit of the return journey usually involved Eddie Mc and myself cycling down the dark and lonely stretch of road from Woodbine Hill to Jamesy Keane’s farmhouse where Eddie lived as he did not like passing anywhere near Kinsalebeg Church on his own in the middle of the night – not indeed that I was any braver myself. This left me on my own for the remainder of the trip to Ferrypoint with Kinsalebeg Church and the old graveyard over the ditch on my right as I left Keane’s farmhouse and the clock usually in the vicinity of midnight when all sorts of ghosts and fairy folk were apparently at large. Barry Harty’s ghost stories would come flooding back despite my best attempts to keep calm and the sudden calls of the birds on the nearby mudflats took on an all too sinister tone. I broke the world cycling record on numerous occasions for the half mile trip from Keanes, past Tommy Roche’s cottage, past Kinsalebeg Church, around the sharp corner and on past Hallorans until I could finally ease off the pedals as I arrived at the safe sanctuary of the Turret at Ferrypoint. We knew very little about the history of Kinsalebeg Church at that time as the church was no longer in use and had been in ruins for many decades. We will try to fill in some of the gaps in the long history of Kinsalebeg Church but records are hard to come by so please excuse the rather incomplete and sporadic nature of the history.
Description of Kinsalebeg Church
Kinsalebeg Church has been disused for almost a century but the building still retains much of its original character. It is perched on a small land uprise with a picturesque view over Ferrypoint and across the bay to the town of Youghal. The view also encompasses the mudflats and the last leg of the journey of the River Blackwater as it makes its way from Youghal Bridge to the Atlantic Ocean. A detailed architectural description of Kinsalebeg Church is included in the Buildings of Ireland21 survey and we include it here in its entirety:
“Description: Detached three-bay double-height rubble stone Board of First Fruits Church of Ireland church, built 1821, with single-bay three-stage entrance tower to west on a square plan. Now in ruins. Pitched slate roof now gone with cut-stone coping to gables, and no rainwater goods surviving on squared rubble stone eaves. Roof to tower not visible behind parapet. Random rubble stone walls with cut-stone dressings to tower including stringcourses to each stage, advanced corner piers to top (bell) stage, and battlemented parapet on stringcourse having cut-stone coping. Pointed-arch window openings to nave with cut-stone sills, cut-stone surrounds having chamfered reveals, and red brick dressings over. Oculus window openings to first stage to tower with cut-stone surrounds, and red brick dressings over. Quatrefoil window openings to second stage to tower with cut-stone surrounds, and red brick dressings. Pointed-arch openings to top (bell) stage to tower with cut-stone sills, cut-stone surrounds, and red brick dressings over. Ogee-headed door opening to tower with cut-stone surround having chamfered reveals, and red brick segmental relieving arch over. Fittings now missing from all openings. Set back from road in own grounds. (ii) Graveyard to site with various cut-stone grave markers, c.1700-c.1950.
Appraisal: A well-composed, modest-scale church, the arrangement of the nave and tower conforming to a standard approved by the Board of First Fruits (fl. c.1711-1833). The church continues a long-standing ecclesiastical presence on site, having replaced an earlier medieval church in the grounds. Although now long disused and in ruins, the form and massing of the church remains intact. The construction in rubble stone with cut-stone and red brick dressings produces an appealing textured, and somewhat polychromatic visual effect. A collection of grave markers to the site are of artistic design interest, and attest to high quality stone masonry. The church at present forms a picturesque feature in the landscape, and is of additional importance as a reminder of the once-prosperous Church of Ireland community in the locality”.
Early History
The first reference to Kinsalebeg in ecclesiastical records was in 1291 during the reign of Pope Nicholas IV (1288-1291). In the 1291-92 Taxatio3 Pope Nicholas IV initiated a detailed valuation for ecclesiastical taxation of parish churches and prebends in Ireland and other countries and this list included a tax or cess valuation for the church in Kinsalebeg. The church has been built and rebuilt a few times during that period culminating in the present ruined church which was built in 1821. The church would have been a Catholic church from its foundation until around 1534 during the reign of King Henry 8th. Henry's struggles with Rome particularly in the area of divorce led to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority in Rome with Henry establishing himself as the head of the Church of England. Catholic churches in Great Britain and Ireland were basically taken away from the Catholic authorities and became Church of England or Church of Ireland in the case of Irish churches. Kinsalebeg Church therefore became a Church of Ireland church in this period. The last service in Kinsalebeg Church apparently took place in 1926 and was conducted by Rev John Warren, who was rector of Ardmore and Templemichael, as Kinsalebeg no longer had a minister of its own. The roof was apparently taken off the church in 1928 and local knowledge indicates that it may have been moved to Ardmore. The oak panelling from the church was removed to Woodbine Hill by the Roch family where it was used to line the walls of the dining room. The graveyard however continued to be used as a burial ground after this period with a number of recorded Catholic burials taking place up until the burial of Nora (Nonie) Connors on 10th August 2007. Nonie’s brother Pa and their parents Patrick and Bridget Connors were all buried in Kinsalebeg. However Nonie had apparently no particular wish to be buried in the now heavily overgrown Kinsalebeg graveyard but we have no doubt that her ceaseless good humour would have equipped her well for the start of the next phase of her journey.
According to Rev. Patrick Power2 when the ancient churches were seized after the Reformation they were generally in good condition as Canon Law made adequate provision for their upkeep and repair. Not one 16th century church in the dioceses of Waterford and Lismore remained in Catholic hands after the Reformation. Many of these churches fell into disrepair subsequently and church attendances were poor as the predominantly Catholic population did not attend the Church of Ireland services. Rev Patrick Power indicates in his book on the life of St Declan of Ardmore and St Mochuda of Lismore 10 and also in his Placenames of the Decies that there were at least five Pre-Reformation churches in the Kinsalebeg parish. These were located in:
(1) D’Loughtane
(2) Kilgabriel or Cill Gáibrial (Giriam’s or Gabriel’s Church)
(3) Kilmeedy or Cill Míde (Mide’s or My Ida’s Church)
(4) Kilmaloo or Cill Molua (Molua’s or My Lua’s Church)
(5) Kinsalebeg Church
There were also a number of churches in the Clashmore parish including those in Clashmore itself, Kilmore and Knockanaris. The present article is confined to an overview of events connected with Kinsalebeg Church.
Papal Correspondence concerning Kinsalebeg Church
Pope Nicholas IV and church taxation in Kinsalebeg in year 1291:
Pope Nicholas IV (1227 to 1292) was Pope from 22nd February 1288 to the 4th April 1291. In the 1291-92 Taxatio3 he established a system for the calculation of ecclesiastical taxes in parish churches and prebends in Ireland and other countries. The tax or cess tax as it was known was based on a percentage of the value of the particular church or church property. The origin of the term “bad cess” seems to have originated from the unpopular requirement to pay church taxes. This is the first reference to Kinsalebeg that we can locate in early church records so we do know that the church of Kinsalebeg was in existence in 1291 and has a history of at least 700 to 800 years. The tax paid was 10% of the valuation so in the case of Kinsalebeg the cess tax to be paid by the church would have been 24 shillings (£1 4s.) being 10% of the valuation of twelve pounds. Kinsalebeg paid the eight highest taxes from the 87 parishes in the Diocese of Lismore in 1291-92 and of course this money was collected from the parishioners.
The following were the some of the valuations in the Lismore Diocese including Kinsalebeg in the period of 1291-1292. The list gives the valuation only and the actual cess or tax was ten per cent of the valuation..
Ardmore: £8. 0s .0d.
Kinsalebeg (Kynsale): £12. 0s. 0d.
Clashmore £10. 0s. 0d.
Grange (Lisgenan) £5. 0s. 0d.
Dungarvan £26. 10s. 0d.
The top eight tax valuations in the diocese of Lismore in 1291-92 were as follows (note Waterford and Lismore were separate dioceses at that time):
1. Lismore £146. 14s. 4d.
2. Dungarvan £26. 10s. 4d.
3. Stradbally £16. 0s. 0d.
4. Ballyvaden £18. 7s. 8d.
5. Garrantemple £14. 5s. 4d.
6. Newtown £14. 0s. 0d.
7. Mothel £12. 8s. 6d.
8. Kinsalebeg £12. 0s. 0d.
Papal Letters in period 1400 to 1470:
December 1400: The following papal letters relating to Kinsalebeg or Clashmore were issued during reign of Pope Boniface IX (1389-1404) and were therefore in the period when the churches were Catholic under the jurisdiction of Pope Boniface. . The first papal letter11 in December 1400 refers to the appointment of Maurice Ocoggran or Maurice Cochrane to the canon and prebend of Clashmore following the promotion of the previous prebend, John Colton or John Coltrow, to the see of Armagh. The value of the prebend was stated to be under four marks which was the currency at the time – this currency had nothing to do with the German mark which only originated in the 20th century. A “benefice” means a position or post granted to an ecclesiastic that guarantees a fixed income to the incumbent. The word “cure” is a reference to the term “cure of souls”. Historically the person listening to and giving spiritual direction in a parish was said to have the “cure of souls” and from this function arose the title “curate” which still exists to the present day. In this sense a curate was really the parish priest but in the English speaking world it more commonly refers to clergy who assist the parish priest. The following is the original letter from Rome:
1400. 7 Kal. Dec.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 104d.) To Maurice Ocoggran. Provision of the canonry and prebend of Claismora [Clashmore] ab infra in Lismore, value not exceeding 4 marks, void and reserved to Urban VI by the promotion by that pope, and by the consecration, of John Coltow (sic) [or John Colton ?] to the see of Armagh, and reserved to the present pope, Urban VI, having died without disposing thereof; notwithstanding that he holds the rectory of Dirrigalwan, in the diocese of Limerick, value not exceeding 4 marks, and that the pope has recently ordered provision to be made to him of a benefice, with or without cure, in the common or several gift of the bishop and chapter of Lismore, and of the dean and each of the canons and persone of Limerick. Vite etc.
September 1403: The next papal letter12 during the reign of Pope Boniface IX (1389-1404) refers to the appointment of Thomas Oflyn [Thomas O’Flynn] to the vicarage of Kinsalebeg [Kemsale] in 1403 provided his Latin was up to the required standard. The appointment resulted from the resignation of the previous vicar Walter Dolyn who was the previous incumbent in Kinsalebeg. A vicar or Vicarius Christi was a papal term meaningvicar of Christ. The title vicar in recent times is more likely to be a reference to a Protestant clergyman. Letter as follows:
1403 15 Kal. Sept.
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 166d.) To the archdeacon of Ardfert. Mandate to collate and assign to Thomas Oflyn, priest, of the diocese of Lismore, if found fit in Latin, the still void perpetual vicarage of Kemsale [Kinsalebeg] in the said diocese, value not exceeding 6 marks, collation and provision of which he obtained from the late bishop Thomas, on its voidance by the resignation, made to that bishop, of Walter Dolyn. Thomas doubts whether the said collation and provision hold good. Dignum arbitramur.
December 1470: The following papal letter13 from December 1470 was issued during the reign of Pope Paul II (1464-1471). The letter concerns the appointment of John Oboan as vicar of Kinsalebeg following the apparent removal of Dermot Okayll and Maurice Oflyn for unspecified “faults and demerits”.
7 Id. Dec. 1470 (7 Dec.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 167.) To the archbishop of Kalocza (Colocen.) and the abbots of Molana (de Insula sancti Maylhanyfy) and Mothel (de Motalia) in the diocese of Lismore. Mandate, as below. The recent petition of John Oboan, priest, of the diocese of Lismore, contained that on the voidance of the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Kynsalebeg [Kinsalebeg] in the said diocese and of a canonry of Lismore and the prebend of Modelig therein, which canonry and prebend are of the patronage of laymen, by the deprivation and removal, made by Robert bishop of Lismore, of Dermit Okayll and Maurice Ofyn [Oflyn] respectively, for their faults and demerits, John Stak, then rector of the said church, the presentation to the vicarage belonging by ancient custom to the rector for the time being, presented the said John Oboan to the vicarage, and Maurice son of John son of Thomas de Geraldinis, the sole lay patron of the said canonry and prebend, presented thereto the same John Oboan, whom the said bishop caused to be instituted to the vicarage by John [now] bishop of Ferns, then archdeacon of Lismore, and to the canonry and prebend by Gillasius Oket. dean of Lismore, in virtue of which presentations and institutions he obtained and at present holds possession. The said petition adding that John now doubts whether the presentations and institutions hold good, and the pope having learned that the vicarage and canonry and prebend are still void as above. he hereby orders the above three to collate and assign to John the said vicarage, which has cure, and canonry and prebend, value not exceeding 5 and 8 marks sterling respectively.Vite etc. (L. Dathus. | xx. G. Pele. A. de Senis. D. de Piscia. Jo. de Tartarinis. In the margin: Januarii. (fn. 11) ) [5 pp.]
December 1470: The following papal letter14 was issued during the reign of Pope Paul II (1464-1471) and refers to the state of decay of the church in Kinsalebeg which is referred to here as the church of St. Mary. This is the only reference to St. Marys Church that we have encountered so it is possible that the church was known as St. Mary’s Kinsalebeg when it was still a Catholic church prior to the reformation. The church was subsequently taken over by the Church of Ireland. The Church of Ireland came into existence as a reformed church independent of the Roman Catholic Church in 1536 when the Irish Parliament declared Henry VIII to be the Supreme Head of the Church on earth (i.e. Head of the Church of Ireland). The papal letter outlines indulgences available to those who visit the church on stated feast days of the Ascension and Assumption and give alms for the repair of the church which had fallen into disrepair. The letter is as follows:
(8 Dec. 1470)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 281.) To all Christ's faithful, etc. Relaxation in perpetuity (the pope having learned that the parish church of St. Mary, Kynsalbeg [Kinsalebeg], in the diocese of Lismore, is notable amongst the parish churches of those parts, that therein there were many magnates (proceres) and noble parishioners, that it was decently and honourably built, and that it was well provided with paraments and other ornaments, but that on account of the lack of the said parishioners and the evil times, it has been so much brought to naught, and its roofs and other buildings so much in need of repair, that its fruits etc. are not sufficient therefore, of five years and five quarantines of enjoined penance to all who, being penitent and having confessed, visit the said church on the feasts of the Ascension of our Lord and the Assumption of the same Blessed Mary, and give alms for the repair of the said roofs etc. and of the said paraments and other ornaments. If like indulgence have been granted by the present pope, in perpetuity or for a time not yet elapsed, the present letters shall be null and void. Dum precelsa. (N. and Marcellus. | N. xxx.Garilliati.) [1 p.]
Historical References to Kinsalebeg Church
Anglo-Irish Parliament 1st May 1536:
The following decision of the Anglo-Irish Parliament of 1536 was as a result of the insistence of the Earl of Desmond, a permanent thorn in the side of the English, that he was the rightful owner of various church properties and therefore entitled to collect the relevant tithes/taxes on these properties. The parliament decided that Henry VIII as the representative of the crown was entitled to the tithes in Kinsalebeg and Grange. The decision was not surprising in an era when any disagreement with the policy of Henry VIII was likely to result in your head being detached from the rest of your body. The decision reached was as follows:
“The Anglo-Irish parliament which assembled at Dublin on May 1st, 1536, declared Henry VIII “Head of the Church of Ireland.”. This Parliament declared also that the presentations to the parishes of Kinsalebeg and Lisguenane (both in the diocese of Lismore) rested with the Crown and not the Earl of Desmond. “
Waterford Inquisitions 1577:
These inquisitions were taken in Le Magdalens in Co Waterford on the 28th August in the 18th year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (1577). They were held before Nicholas Walsh Esquire and William More, Commissioners of the Queen, and the purpose of the inquisition was to sort out disputes and queries over property ownership, property valuations, taxes/tithes etc. Church property was valuable because of the tithes/taxes which could be claimed by the owners. There were ongoing disputes over ownership from the time of Henry VIII who insisted that ownership of church property etc should come under his control when he broke away from the Church of Rome to form his own church, the Church of England. The following decision by commissioners Nicholas Walsh & Owen Moore basically outline that Queen Elizabeth owned the church property in Kinsalebeg and other named parishes and anyone who declared otherwise would be locked up. Nicholas Walsh went on to become Sir Nicholas Walsh of Pilltown and was the major landowner in Kinsalebeg in later years and was of course also the 1st generation of the famous Walsh of Pilltown dynasty. Decision as follows (text in brackets is by way of clarification and was not present on originals):
“They also say that the aforesaid Lady the Queen has right and title to the rectories and churches of Dongarvan [Dungarvan], Ringuogonagh [Ring], Kinsalebeg, Arglas [Aglish], Amane [Affane], WhiteChurch, Avieve [Fews], Kilronan and Lisgegane [Grange] in the County of Waterford and to other rectories and churches specified in an Act Of Parliament edited in the 28th Year of Henry the 8th together with the advowson of all the vicarages of the same rectories and if any person or persons occupy or possess any vicarages of the rectories aforesaid by other title or presentation than by the presentation of the Lady the Queen or by the presentation of the Abbot of Kentsam in England or by provision of the Act of Parliament aforesaid he or they unjustly possess them and from the aforesaid Lady the Queen take them away and detain them”
Signed: Nicholas Walsh & Owen Moore.
Ecclesiastical Registers and Annals for 1614 and 1629:
The following are entries in the Ecclesiastical Annals which are relevant to Kinsalebeg. They basically outline assignment of various church properties to Sir Charles Willmott (1614) and Duke of Devonshire (1629) respectively to enable them to collect tithes etc from these churches and parishes including Kinsalebeg.
Sir Charles Willmott: Sir Charles Willmott was sent to Newry in 1595 as a captain in the infantry and rapidly moved up the ranks. He became sergeant major of English forces in Munster in 1597, promoted to colonel in 1598 and was knighted in Dublin in 1599. He was closely involved with Sir George Carew who was president of Munster from 1600 and was heavily involved in the closing stages of what was known as the Nine Years’ War. He was made governor of Cork in 1601 and governor of Kerry in 1602. He had a number of military successes in this period particularly in the West Cork and Kerry areas. He was appointed President of Connaught in 1616. One of the rewards for successful military officers was the assignment of land and church properties which enabled them to collect tithes and rents. Entries as follows with clarifications in brackets:
Entry 1413 in Ecclesiastical Annals: On 19th of December 1614, a patent was passed to Sir Charles Willmott Knt. granting him, inter alia, the rectory of Dungarvan in the county of Waterford, with all its hereditaments, and all the churches or chapels of Ringegwonagh alias Rinegonagh [Ring], Egglish alias Eglish [Aglish], Rathfeenan, Lisgeinan alias Liskenan alias Leskenan [Grange], Kinsale alias Kinsalebeg, Clashmore, Egglishnygilky [Aglish ], Aghmean alias Affane, Templegall alias Whitechurch, Killkrikane alias Killronan, Killgobnett [Kilgobinet], Tamplevewe alias Fues [Fews], Rosmeyr alias Templenecree, Nugent’s-parish, and Nennan alias Templenenynead, parcels of the said rectory of Dungarvan, with the right of presentation of all and singular the vicarages, churches and chapels of the said towns and hamlets. To this parsonage and these chapels belong the tithes and alterages of the towns and lands of Dungarvan, ...., Kinsale alias Kinsalebeg, Moneoittirres [Monatray], Ballinefoile alias Piltowne [Pilltown] , Knockbrack, Ballinoe alias Neweton [Newtown], Rathlisane [Rath], Dromgallane [Drumgullane], Killmide [Kilmeedy], Killgerin alias Killgabriel [Kilgabriel], Killinelowes, Ballehin [Ballyheeny], Droughton [D’Loughtane], Clasmonegraige [Clashmore ?], Ballyimoltine [Ballinamultina], Ballycarren [Ballycurrane], Ardsallagh, Mollivill ... etc ... all which were parcels of the said rectory of Dungarvan and chargeable with a crown rent of forty pounds Irish.
Duke of Devonshire: The Duke of Devonshire was a member of the Cavendish family who had vast estates in Devon England. They acquired the large estate of the Boyles in West Waterford incorporating Lismore Castle when Lady Charlotte Boyle, heiress and daughter of the 4th Earl of Cork, married William Cavendish 4th Duke of Devonshire. A part of their vast estates included property in the parish of Kinsalebeg.
Entry 1413 in Ecclesiastical Annals: Of these churches and chapels, which were at that time appendant to the parsonage of Dungarvan, all and each of them are now separate and independent churches, among which have been distributed the townlands or subdivisions of the townlands above mentioned, and separate and distinct parishes erected, the great tithes of which, being impropriate, are enjoyed at present by the Duke of Devonshire, who takes them as one of the descendants of Richard Earl of Corke, to whom were granted inter alia, by patent dated 8th of June 1629, the parsonages, churches and chapels of Dungarvan, Rynnegona [Ring], Kynsalebegg [Kinsalebeg], Ardglasse, Killgobonett [Kilgobinet], Clashmore, Affane, Whitechurch, Clonea, Templevieu alias Templeviewe, Aviewe [Fews ?], Killronan, Rossmore, and Lysgenan [Grange], together with all their rights, members, tithes, oblations, glebe-lands, advowsons and presentations of the vicarages to the said churches and chapels belonging. 28 Hen. Viii th. Ch.23; and Inrolements.
Entries in Lismore Papers (Earl of Cork) March 1635:
The following are a couple of entries concerning Kinsalebeg which appear in the Lismore Papers15 of the Earl of Cork. The first entry concerns the appointment of Stephen Jerrom as vicar of Kinsalebeg and Grange in 1635 following the death of Thomas Sherwyn. The second entry concerns the appointment of John Hull as vicar of Kinsalebeg and Grange after the resignation of Stephen Jerrom.
Journal of Thomas Dineley in 1681:
The following drawing is taken from the Journal of Thomas Dinely which was written in 1681 during the reign of Charles II and recounts his journeys in the south of Ireland before that time. The drawing is taken from the Youghal side of the harbour and shows in the distance Kinsalebeg Church (b) and Monatray Hill (M) as well as Ferrypoint (L).
The above drawing shows the ruins of Kinsalebeg Church as depicted in the 1681 Journal of Thomas Dineley. The journal was written in 1881 but depicts his travels in an earlier period possibly around 1661 in the case of Youghal. The drawing is taken from the Youghal side of the harbour and indicates the following locations:
(a) The Church St. Marys (Youghal), b. Ruines of Ensilbegg Church (Kinsalebeg Church), d. The Key (Quay in Youghal). T. The Exchange (Youghal). M. Monastra Hill (Monatray Hill in Kinsalebeg) in the County of Waterford. R. Colledge Garden (College Garden Youghal). L. The Ferry Point (Ferrypoint). D. Part of the Desses (Decies).
The above drawing is also from 1681 Journal of Thomas Dineley. It shows a view of Youghal from the Ferrypoint side of the harbour and the general layout of that part of the quays in Youghal is broadly recognisable to present day times. The Water Gate Arch also known as Cromwell’s Arch can be seen in the background near the building with the weather-cock known as the Exchange building built in 1672. According to Dineley the head of John Dromadda was fixed on the Clock Castle visible at the rear of the Exchange building. Dineley states that Cooke in his MS History of Youghal described Dromadda as follows: ”John Dromadda, a most notorious offender and common robber, was taken within the liberties of this town. He was tried before the Mayor, Recorder, and Bailiffes, convicted, and executed. His head was fixed on the Clock Castle, by virtue of the Charter granted in this reign (James I).”
Pococke’s Tour in Ireland in 175216 (Richard Pococke):
When Pococke completed his tour of Ireland in 1752 he wrote a detailed account of his trip including an excerpt on Kinsalebeg. He refers to Kinsalebeg Church which had apparently been roofed by Bishop Milles sometime before 1740. Bishop Thomas Milles (1671 – 1740) was the Church of Ireland Bishop of Waterford and Lismore from 11th March 1708 until his death in 1740. Milles's appointment as Bishop was not popular in Ireland, on account of his conservative “High Church” views, but he did undertake to repair and restore many churches including Kinsalebeg Church. According to Pococke the refurbishment of Kinsalebeg Church was not completed at this time as all the Protestants had left the parish. Pococke also mentions the nearby seat of Prospect Hall which is occupied by the Bernard family. He also makes a reference to Judge Walsh aka Sir Nicholas Walsh of Pilltown whom he, wrongly as it happens, attributes the famous “forged commission” of King Charles 1st. The entry in Pococke 1752 is as follows:
“Kinsalebeg is opposite Youghal, where the church was roofed and covered by Bishop Milles, but all the Protestant inhabitants leaving the Parish it was not finished. Near it is Prospect Hall, the seat of Mr Bernard, from which there is a fine view of Youghall on the river which is built up the side of a hill, a little like the situation in Constantinople, to the south west was a fine Strand four miles long, but by some accident was spoiled for riding. Piltowne is the estate of the Walshes where Judge Walsh lived, who is supposed to be the author of the forged Commission in favour of the Irish he time of King Charles the First, according to the Author of the County of Waterford”
Ancient & Present State of the County & City of Waterford8 1774:
The following excerpt is taken from the above publication by Charles Smith and indicates the poor state of Kinsalebeg Church in 1774 despite the church being recently roofed. The repair and disrepair of Kinsalebeg Church appears to be a recurring event down through the centuries. In his journey from Ardmore to Kinsalebeg Smith mentions that land in Kinsalebeg was of better quality than that in Ardmore which no doubt caused more than a few heated discussions in hostelries around the area.He also goes on to talk about Piltown and the Walshes which we will cover elsewhere and explain the reference to Justice Walsh as the “supposed author of the forged commission in favour of Irish rebels in King Charles 1st time”.
“From Ardmore, one begins to descend the hills into the parish of Kinsalebeg, which consists of better land than the other (ie Ardmore); the church stands almost opposite to the town of Youghal, and though not long since roofed, is going (for want of repair) into decay. In this parish, situated near the Blackwater, is Loughtane, a pleasant seat of Mr. Ronayne, with good improvements; near which stands an ancient castle, called Ballyheny (Ballyheeny); by whom erected I could not learn.”
“Piltown, not long since the estate of the Walshes, is another place of some note, where lived Judge Walsh, the supposed author of the forged commission in favour of the Irish rebels in King Charles 1st time. The particulars of this affair were not discovered till after the restoration, when Lord Muskerry confessed the whole to Lord Orrery, at the Duke of Ormond’s castle of Kilkenny. Near the ferry point of Youghal is Prospect-hall, a handsome seat, with good improvements, made by the late Stephen Bernard Esq.”
Dr Trench Diocese of Lismore review in 1808:
Dr Trench drew up a detailed report in 1807 where he outlined a more consolidated grouping of unions in the Diocese of Lismore and where he also proposed that a number of additional churches should be built in the years ahead. He suggested that new churches should be built in Kinsalebeg and Clashmore as well as in other parishes including Kilwatermoy, Dunhill, Kilgobinet, Derryrath, Garrangibbon, Newtownlennan and Killaloan
Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Nicholas Carlisle 1810:
The following excerpts are taken from an overview of cities, towns and parishes of Ireland undertaken by Nicholas Carlisle in the early part of the 19th century and published in 1810 with the title “A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland”. We include details concerning Kinsalebeg, Templemichael and Clashmore:
Kinsalebeg: “Kinsalebeg, in the Barony of Decies within Drum, Co. Of Waterford, and Province of Munster: a Rectory Impropriate; and Vicarage, being one of the parishes which constitutes the Union of Templemihil: the Church is in ruins. Kinsalebeg is in the Diocese of Lismore, and Province of Cashel. It is 8 ½ miles S.W. from Dungarvan. It is situate upon the River Blackwater, over which is has communication with the town of Youghall by a Ferry-boat. According to the Ecclesiastical Report, the Vicarages of Lisgenan and Kinsalebeg ought to be perpetually united; and, if a Church, and Glebe House, were built in the parish of Kinsalebeg, it is thought, that this would be a good arrangement. See Templemihil.”
Templemichael: “Templemihil, or Temple Michael, in the Barony of Coshmore and Coshbride, Co. of Waterford, and Province of Munster: a Rectory Impropriate; and Vicarage, Episcopally united, in the year 1784, when the present incumbent took possession of this Benefice, to the vicarages of Killcockan, Kinsalebeg, and Lisgenan; a Church, in repair, in the parish of Templemihil: no Glebe House: two Glebes, in the parish of Kinsalebeg, and distant from each other about a mile; one of them, of 4a. 0r. 6p. (4 acres 0 roods and 6 perches), being adjacent to the site of the old church there; the other, about a mile from the site of the old church; and each of them four miles from the church of Templemihil, exclusive of the Ferry; there is also a Glebe, of 3 roods and 10 perches, in the parish of Killcockan: The Rev. Robert Stephens, the Incumbent (in 1806), who has cure of souls, is resident in the parish of Kinsalebeg, and discharges the duties in person. Templemihil is in the Diocese of Lismore, and Province of Cashel. It is 6 ¾ miles S.S.E from Tallow. The Castle here is said to have belonged to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem: which, at the suppression, was granted to Sir Walter Raleigh, who assigned to the Earl of Cork. The extent of the Union of Templemihil is very great: the parishes of Templemihil, and Killcockan, join each other, on the West side of the River Blackwater; and the parishes of Kinsalebeg, and Lisgenan, are contiguous to each other, on the East side of the same River. In the Ecclesiastical Report, the Vicarages of Templemihil, and Killcockan, are recommended to be perpetually united; and Glebe land to be purchased in the parish of Templemihil, and a Glebe House erected thereon.”
Clashmore:”Clashmore, in the Barony of Decies within Drum, Co. of Waterford and Province of Munster: a Prebend, the Rectory being the Corps, which is valued in the King’s Books at £10. Sterling: to which the Vicarage of Clashmore, and the Vicarages of Affane, and Aglish, were Episcopally united, on the 22nd of November 1780, when the present Incumbent took possession of them: a Church, in repair, in the parish of AffaneL no Glebe House: a Glebe, of 0a. 2r. 20 p. (2 roods and 20 perches), at Aglish, adjoining the site of the old church there: and about three miles distant from Affane church: The Rev. William Jessop, the Prebendary and Vicar (in 1806), who has cure of souls, is resident in Lismore, being, as is supposed, above eighty years of age, and not having left his house for two years: the duties are performed by a Curate, resident in Affane, at a Salary of £50. per annum. Clashmore is in the Diocese of Lismore, and Province of Cashel. It is 6 ½ miles S.W. from Dungarvan. It is situate near the River Blackwater. The parishes in the Union of Clashmore are contiguous; and are of great extent. In the Ecclesiastical Report, the entire Rectory of Killmolash, and the entire Rectory of Clashmore, are recommended to be perpetually united: though this may appear extensive, yet it contains very much uncultivated and uninhabited Mountain; and, if glebe land was purchased at Clashmore, and a church, and glebe house, built there, it is conceived that this would be a good arrangement. “Glaismhor was a celebrated abbey in the Decies near the River Blackwater, and was founded by Cuanchear at the command of St. Mochoemoc of Lethmore, who had raised Cuanchear from the dead. That Saint died on the 13th of March, A.D. 655. This abbey existed to the time of the general suppression, when its possessions were granted to Sir Walter Raleigh.” – Archdall’s Monast. Hibern. P. 687.”
Note: (1) Archdall’s Monasticon Hibernicum17 was written by clergyman Mervyn Archdall and published in 1786. It generally refers to early Christian Ecclesiastical settlements in Ireland from the 5th to the 12th century. It does not refer to Kinsalebeg specifically but it does indicate the possible presence of the ruins old church sites in Kilgabriel, Kilmaloo, Kilmeedy West and Kilmaloo East. The presence of Kil or Kill or Irish Cill (church) in townland name is of course an indication of the probable presence of a church in the area at some stage in the past.
(2) Cure of souls: This is a translation of the Latin “cura animarum” which might be better described today as “care of souls”. It basically means the duties of a clergyman in looking after his congregation eg sermons, sacraments etc.
Ecclesiastical Register circa 1827 with overview of Lismore Diocese:
This report gives an overview of the Lismore Parish around 1827. The total diocese size of Lismore was 323,500 acres at that time and included the greater part of the county of Waterford and a considerable portion of Tipperary. It gives an account of the monies which were granted by the Board of First Fruits in the way of gifts and loans for the purposes of building churches and glebe houses in the diocese. A total of 600 pounds was granted in 1821 as a gift for the building of a church in Kinsalebeg. This was to replace the existing Kinsalebeg Church and was to be built on the same site. A gift of 900 pounds was granted to Clashmore in 1818 to build a church in Clashmore. It indicated that the incumbent minister in Kinsalebeg at the time was Percy S. Smith and the patron was the Duke of Devonshire. The incumbent minister in Clashmore was Charles H. Minchin and the patron was the bishop of Lismore.
Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis in 18379:
Samuel Lewis’s dictionary gives overview details of various towns, villages and parishes in Ireland in 1837 and the following is the description of Kinsalebeg at that time:
“Kinsalebeg, a parish, in the barony of Decies-within-Drum, county of Waterford, and province of Munster, separated from the town of Youghal by the river Blackwater; containing 2780 inhabitants. The soil is fertile, and there is a ferry to Youghal; at Piltown is a large flour-mill. The principal seats are D’Laughtane House, the residence of R. Power Ronayne Esq; Monatrea, of the Rev. Percy Scott Smyth; Mayfield of J.Gee Esq; Woodbine Hill of G. Roch Esq; Springfield of Mrs Fitzgerald; Bayview of M. Keane Esq; Rock Lodge of R. Bailey Esq; Harbour View of C. Ronayne Esq; and Ring of Dominick Ronayne Esq.
It is a vicarage, in the diocese of Lismore, united to that of Lisgenan, and in the gift of the Duke of Devonshire, in whom the rectory is impropriate: the tithes amount to £810. 1s. 1½ d. of which two-thirds are payable to the impropriator and one-third to the vicar; and the tithes of the benefice amount to £470. The glebe of the union comprises 10a. 3r. 36p. The church is a neat structure, erected by a gift of £600 from the late Board of First Fruits, in 1821. In the R.C. divisions the parish forms part of the union or district of Clashmore, and has a chapel at Piltown. There is a private school, in which about 120 children are educated. Near D’Laughtane House was formerly a castle, called Ballyheeny. Piltown was formerly the residence of Judge Walsh, the supposed author of the commission to the insurgents in the reign of Chas. I (Charles 1st). There is a large rath in the parish.”
Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland 184418 re Kinsalebeg:
A description of Kinsalebeg is given in the above Parliamentary Gazetteer in 1844. It states that the population of Kinsalebeg in 1831 was 2780 people and it had increased to 3250 by 1841. It gives a value of around 540 pounds sterling to the church tithes for Kinsalebeg (of which two thirds was payable to the Duke of Devonshire and the remainder to the clergy). It mentions that two older churches existed in an area different to the present Kinsalebeg Church. The current Kinsalebeg Church was rebuilt in 1821 at a cost 553 pounds which was donated by the Board of First Fruits. This was a Church of Ireland (COI) institution established in 1711 by Queen Anne with the function of building and improving churches and glebe houses in Ireland. It was funded from the taxes collected on clerical incomes which were in turn funded by church tithes. The church tithes were collected from parishioners regardless of their religion so in effect everyone was contributing to the building and maintenance of COI churches as well as contributing to the upkeep of the clergy. Indeed around the same period the Catholic Church built new churches in Pilltown and Clashmore and these were funded from Catholic Church resources. The Church of Ireland church attendance in Kinsalebeg in this period was between 14 and 35 people according to the Parliamentary Gazetteer and the attendance at Pilltown Catholic Church was about 950 people. The overall Catholic population in Kinsalebeg was 2860 at this time and the combined Catholic population of Kinsalebeg and Clashmore was 5135. The overall COI population was 34 in Kinsalebeg including 7 dissenters and was 68 between the parishes of Kinsalebeg & Clashmore. There is also a reference to the presence of four daily schools between Kinsalebeg and Clashmore with an additional “pay daily” school in Kinsalebeg. There is no indication if this includes both Catholic and COI schools or indeed if some of the schools were multi denominational. It would appear that many girls did not attend school as there were 297 boys and 126 girls attending the various schools in Kinsalebeg and Clashmore. The actual report in the Parliamentary Gazetteer is as follows:
“Kinsalebeg, a parish in the south-west corner of the barony of Decies-within-Drum, and of Co. Waterford, Munster. Its south end partly rests on Whiting and Youghal bays, and is partly separated from the town of Youghal and Co. Cork by Youghal Harbour. Length, south-south-westward, 4 miles; breadth, from 3 furlongs to 21/4 miles; area 5,789 acres, 29 perches. Population in 1831 of 2780; and in 1841 of 3250. Houses 479. The River Lecky runs across the northern district. One height on the north-east border, and another on the south coast, have altitudes of respectively 362 and 239 feet. The land of the parish averages in annual value from 25s to 30s per acre. The seats are Woodbine-hill, Mayfield, and Monatra (Monatray), all in the south-west, and the last the residence of the Rev. Percy Scott Smyth. Two older churches appear to have existed on sites quite different from that occupied by the present church. All the roads which diverge from Youghal ferry pass through the interior. The parish is a vicarage in the diocese of Lismore. Visceral tithe composition, £270; glebe, £16 10s. The rectorial tithes are compounded for £540. 0s 9d. and are impropriate in the Duke of Devonshire......”
“.... The church was built in 1821, by means of a gift of £553 16s. 11d from the late Board of First Fruits. Sittings (seats) 60; attendance from 14 to 35. The Kinsalebeg Roman Catholic chapel (Piltown) has an attendance of 950; and in the Roman Catholic parochial arrangement, is united to the chapel of Clashmore. There is a Roman Catholic chapel also in Grange. In 1834 the Protestants of the parish, inclusive of 7 Protestant dissenters, amounted to 34, and the Roman Catholics to 2860; the Protestants of the union to 68, and the Roman Catholics to 5135 [Kinsalebeg and Clashmore ? ]; a pay daily school in the parish had on its books 90 boys and 30 girls; and 4 daily schools in the union [Kinsalebeg & Clashmore ?] had on their books 207 boys and 96 girls, and were attended by about 45 other children.”
Religious and literacy level breakdown for Kinsalebeg in 1861:
According to a House of Commons report19 the religious and education breakdown of the population of Kinsalebeg for the year 1861 was as follows:
Roman Catholic: Total population of 1799 (881 male, 918 female) of which 217 were under 5 years of age (113 male, 104 female). Of the 1582 Catholics who were over 5 years of age, 276 could read and write (155 m, 121 f) , 131 could read only (66 m, 65 f) and the remaining 1175 could neither read nor write (547 m, 628 f).
Established Church (Protestant): Total population 46 (21 male, 25 female) of which 1 male was under 5 years of age. Of the remaining 45 Protestants who were over 5 years of age, 39 could read and write (16 m, 23 f) , 3 could read only (1 m, 2f) and the remaining 3 could neither read nor write (all male).
Presbyterians: Total population 6 (3 male, 3 female) of which one was under 5 years of age. Of the remaining five Presbyterians who were over 5 years of age, two could read and write (1 m, 1 f), two could read only (1 m, 1 f) and one female could neither read nor write.
Society of Friends or Quakers: Total population 5 (3 male, 2 female) all of whom could read and write.
All other persuasions: Total population of 1 with “unknown” religion.
All persuasions: Overall total population of 1857 (909 male, 948 female) of which 219 were under 5 years of age (115 male, 104 female). Of the remaining 1638 who were over 5 years of age, 322 could read and write (175 m, 147 f) , 136 could read only (68 m, 68 f) and 1180 could neither read nor write (551 m, 629 f). The total population of 1857 for Kinsalebeg in this report differs by 132 from the population of 1725 given in the separate history covering population change in Kinsalebeg over the centuries. This is due mainly to the inclusion or exclusion of certain townlands in Kinsalebeg over the centuries and in the chapter on population change we have endeavoured to standardise the townlands for comparison purposes. This specific House of Commons report does not give an indication as to which townlands are included in Kinsalebeg for this religious and education report.
The Ancient Ruined Churches of Co. Waterford7 by Rev. P Power 1891:
The following entry in above publication outlines the location of an earlier church to the present Protestant church in Kinsalebeg.
Kinsalebeg: The position of this church was parallel with the position of the present small Protestant church, and as usual – on the south side of the latter. Hardly any remains of the ancient church are now traceable. The graveyard is rather extensive and much used. Near the south-east angle of the present church is an inscribed slab, lying flat, and somewhat buried in the soil. The centre of the slab in question is occupied by a blank shield, while round the edge of the stone runs the following inscription in small raised Roman capitals:
The article goes on to outline part of the inscription to Elizabeth Lancaster daughter of Sir Edward Harris and wife of John Lancaster Praecentor of Lismore which is covered elsewhere in this history of Kinsalebeg.
Church Tithes up to 1869:
The issue of the payment of church tithes to what was then known as the Established Church (COI) was a bone of contention in Ireland for many centuries from the time the Church of Ireland was established in the reign of Henry VIII and up until it was disestablished in 1869. The primarily Catholic population together with smaller denominations such as Quakers argued that they should not be paying tithes to a church with which they had no affiliation. The Protestant religions may have had no specific issue with tithes as long as they were primarily being given to the local church/clergy and not to a local landlord. A further bone of contention of parishioners of all religious persuasions was that quite a high percentage of the tithes finished up in the hands of either absentee landlords or indeed absentee clergy. In some cases the assigned clergy to a parish did not even reside in the parish and in some cases did not even reside in the country. Landlords in many cases also did not reside either in the parish or the country. R.B. MacCarthy in his 2008 overview of The Diocese of Lismore 1801-1869 gives some interesting tithe statistics. In the year 1837 there were approximately 74 Church of Ireland (COI) parishes in the diocese of Lismore, many of these were quite small and did not have either a church or any clergy. In the 74 parishes there were only twelve in which the rector/vicar tithes finish up in the hands of an active clergyman or as it was described at the time “one who had cure of souls”. The rectorial tithes of 17 parishes which amounted to over £4,600 pounds finished up in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. Apparently the rectorial tithes of another 15 parishes were allocated to prebends or dignitaries in the Lismore cathedral church. The tithes in the remaining parishes were in the possession of private individuals. The whole system of church tithes was to a great degree just an additional form of taxation and where the eventual beneficiaries had in many cases no real connection with the parish and received the payments as a form of reward for some service or other.
27th August 1868: The following rather long letter to the editor of the London Standard was published in the paper on the 27th August 1868. There is no name to the letter but it was signed “An Irish Protestant” and gives one view of the issue of church tithes as outlined earlier. We include the complete letter here which runs to a number of pages and goes into considerable detail of the whole area of church tithes:
“To the Editor: The Church in Ireland: Sir, - Perhaps there is not one amongst the enormous anomalies that exist which is more singular than the manner in which the Church has been despoiled of its property and income, and I should wish to call your attention to some of the facts connected with portions of the diocese in which I reside. There are in the diocese of Lismore 51 incumbencies, the net income of the clergy of which is 9543 (Pounds sterling). Many of them are elderly gentlemen, and as the parishes are large, they have to employ curates; there are, therefore, 16 curates to be paid out of the funds. Allowing the minimum for each curate the amount remaining to the 51 incumbents is reduced to 8342 (pounds sterling), being an average of about 170 (pounds sterling) apiece. In the same diocese there is a nobleman who voted for disestablishment of the Irish Church, who has three sons and a brother in the House of Commons, all of whom voted for the same measure. This family enjoys the impropriate tithe rent-charge of 14 parishes, amounting in the aggregate to an annual income nearly equal to the entire sum paid to the whole of the incumbents of the parishes.
This property was acquired by his ancestor in a most extraordinary manner, and illustrates the way in which the Church of Ireland was despoiled. The nobleman to whom I allude is his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, who is descended from Charlotte, the only surviving daughter of Richard Boyle, fourth Earl of Cork, who married, in 1748, William fourth Duke of Devonshire.
The history of the manner in which the Earl of Cork, ancestor of the Duke of Devonshire, acquired the collegiate property in Youghal, which the present duke sold to Mr Lewis, on behalf of whose creditors, Messrs. Overand, Gurney & Co., it has since been resold, illustrates not only the manner in which the presentation to livings was given to colleges and religious houses, but the manner in which the Church was despoiled. The collegiate property of Youghal, as recited in an indenture made in 1605, between the warden, the Lord Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, and Lawrence Parsons, in trust for the Earl of Cork, states that it consisted of the lands of Ballymalcash, the plowlands, near Youghal; the parsonages and rectories of Youghal, Inchiquin, Killeagh, Lyhtumnagh, Ardeak, Aglishhane, Beavor or Carrigaline, Moyallon, Oblane and Aghcaromac; the parsonages of Miros, Skull, Killenuch; the vicarages of Kilmacdonaugh, Guimvoe, and Kilcudam. This was a goodly slice of Church property. The services of these several parishes was provided for and performed by the wardens and fellows of the college. These gentlemen, to preserve an interest in their property, made a lease at a reserved rent to Sir George Carew, president of Munster, from whom it passed to Sir Walter Raleigh, and when he was in prison Sir Richard Boyle, afterwards Earl of Cork, purchased it from him. In 1634 a bill was filed by Sir William Reeves (the Attorney General) charging the Earl of Cork, “that he got possession of the college at Youghal from one Jones, who held it for Sir Walter Raleigh for 28 (pounds sterling). That the earl prevailed upon his relation, the Bishop of Cork, to deliver up the seal, charter, and records of the college to him, and procured from him a deed of conveyance of the college and its revenues. The bill further recites that the Earl of Cork then dispossessed the warden and fellows, and used the college as a residence, and that he became and still continues in possession of the revenues of the Church to the value of 800 (pounds sterling)a year, besides the advowsons and oblations of the churches”. The Earl of Cork answered this bill, but the result of the action was that he was fined 15,000 (pounds sterling), and deprived of the advowsons and patronages, of these churches, which passed into the hands of the Crown, but he continued to enjoy the college.
Archbishop Land wrote the following very characteristic letter to Earl Wentworth on this occasion: - “My Lord, - I did not take you to be so good a physician as you are, for, in good truth, a great many Church cormorants have fed so full upon it that they are falling into a fever, and for that no physic is better than a vomit, if it be given in time, and therefore, you can have taken a very judicious course to administer one so early to my Lord Cork. I hope it will do them good, though, perchance, he thinks, not so, for if the fever hang long about him, or the rest, it will certainly shake either him or their estates to pieces. Go on, my Lord ! I must needs say this is thorough, indeed, and so is your physic too.”
The college of Youghal was not the only portion of the estates of the unfortunate Sir Walter Raleigh, which the Earl of Cork procured from that statesman while he was in prison. He got Lismore Castle and large estates in the county of Waterford and the county of Cork, but with those I have nothing to do, but he also got the rectorial tithes to a large number of parishes, which had vested in other suppressed religious houses – these tithes form two thirds of the gross income of the several parishes. The clergyman receives but one third of the tithe rent charge, and even that portion is subject to deductions, which are not made from the owner of impropriate tithe. His grace is also patron of these livings. Mr Gladstone does not propose to deprive him of any portion of his income, though he will, if he can, despoil the Church. He also proposes out of the property of the Church to pay his grace for the loss of patronage. The following list of the parishes shows the income derived by his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, and that paid to the clergyman out of the tithe rent-charge:-
Image: Summary of tithes payable to Duke of Devonshire & Clergy in 1868
His Grace the Duke of Devonshire receives two thirds of the gross tithe rent-charge, while the stipends of the clergy are subject to fees on presentation and on visitation, and to a tax imposed under the Church Temporalities Act.
The Crown did not retain in its grasp any portion of the Church revenues which the unfortunate Earl Stafford wrested from the Earl of Cork, but the Devonshire family and their ancestors have, excluding interest, received over a million and a half of the income of the Church for a disendowment of which the Duke of Devonshire, his three sons, and his brother have voted. Mr Gladstone, who proposes to deprive the Protestants of the several parishes I have named of the service of the Church, intends to leave that Church cormorant, the Duke of Devonshire, in the undisturbed enjoyment of the many thousands a year he has been most improperly paid. Nay more, he proposes to compensate him out of the remaining property of the Church for the loss of his patronage, and his grace will, if Mr Gladstone’s scheme is carried, retain his large income from Church property, and be paid a very handsome sum for his Church patronage.
It is, then, surprising that his Grace, William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire, the Most Hon. Spencer Compton Cavendish, Marquis of Hartington, M.P., his eldest son; Lord Frederick Charles Cavendiish, M.P., his second son; Lord Edward Cavendish, M.P., his third son; and Lord Edward Cavendish, M.P., his brother, should all vote for Mr. Gladstone’s measure ?.
The English constituencies must consider whether it is right and proper to return those who have so direct an interest in this question again to parliament, or whether it is not wiser and safer to allow these young noblemen to amuse themselves in some other way, and send St. Stephen’s next November those who will take a more constitutional view of this question. The grand panel of the nation should not include those who have so direct an interest in this question, but should be composed of honest and disinterested persons. Signed; An Irish Protestant.”
This concludes the letter written to the London Standard in 1868 by a Protestant resident of the Diocese of Lismore. If we applied an inflation index to the approximate 6540 pounds sterling of church tithes due to the Duke of Devonshire in 1868 then we would be talking about an amount of money in excess of 625,000 pounds sterling at 2012 values so church tithes was a lucrative income.
Clerical Succession list for Kinsalebeg (1400-1911)
The clerical succession lists below are as complete as possible for Kinsalebeg, Templemichael and Clashmore. Partial lists are included for Ardmore and Grange. The neighbouring parishes of Kinsalebeg are mainly shown to show the movement of clerics between adjacent parishes. Prior to the establishment of the Church of Ireland in 1536 the church and clerics in Kinsalebeg would have been Catholic. The details regarding the clerical succession was mainly obtained from the records of William Henry Rennison1 who was himself a curate in Kinsalebeg in 1902.
Vicars in Kinsalebeg (1400-1911):
Prior 1403 Walter Dolyn
1403 Thomas Oflyn (O’Flynn)
Prior to 1470 Dermit Okayll? and Maurice Oflyn [O Flynn]
1471 John Oboam [A] (or Oboain)
1493 Maurice Ykarrayn [A]
1503 William Porcelle
1545 Thomas Barnard [LM]
c.1588-1591 Nicholas O’Cullen (layman)
1591-1635+ Thomas Sherwin or Sherwyn [RV] or Sherren. Thomas Sherren Vicar of Kinsalebeg was named as an overseer and witness of the will of Sir John Dowdall of Pilltown Manor which was drawn up on 30th Nov 1604. Thomas Sherwyn died Mar 1635 (or 1634) according to Lismore Papers.
1615 Johes. O’Hea or O’Lee (according to Rev P Power in 1909) but Sherwyn lived until March 1634/35.
1634/35 Stephen Jerrom
1636 Richard Holt [LM, J Boyle] (John Hull BA son of Sir William Hull from 8th Jan 1635 according to Lismore papers)
1660 Samuel Jordan [J Boyle TVB]
1672-1819 Kinsalebeg was united with Templemichael in this period so vicars included Simon Radcliffe (1672), Isaac Gervais (1717), John Eustace (1757), Thomas Pach ?(1760) and Robert Stephens (1784-1819). Robert Stephens was resident in Kinsalebeg in 1806. See Templemichael clergy.
[1672] Simon Radcliffe [VB]
[1717] Isaac Gervais [VB]
1757 John Eustace
1760 Thomas Pach ? [FF]
1784-1819 Robert Stephens
1819-1844 Rev Percy Scott Smyth was vicar of union of Kinsalebeg & Grange until his retirement in Feb 1844
1844 Henry Hamilton Beamish [SR]. Appointed to vicarage in August 1844 & resigned Nov 1850. See the separate Beamish descendant overview.
1851 Thomas Pulvertaft Thirkill [DRB, SR]
1854 William Elliot Shaw [DRB., SR] Appointed Aug 1854.
1871-1885 Vacant – served by Curates
1885 United to Clashmore [DR]
1903-1911 Vacant – served by Curates
1911 United with Templemichael
Curates in Kinsalebeg (1732-1911):
1732-1765 Kinsalebeg was united to Templemichael in this period so Simon Radcliffe, John Jaumard, Nathaniel France, Thomas Lawless and Thomas Sandiford would have served as curates in both Templemichael & Kinsalebeg .
1732 Simon Radcliffe [VB]
174? John Jaumard [SR]
[1752] Nathaniel France [VB]
1763 Thomas Lawless [VB]
1765 Thomas Sandiford [VB]
1819 Percy Scott Smith/Smyth
1834 Thomas Hudson [DRB]
1837 James Thomas Bagge [DRB]. He was appointed vicar in Templemichael in Feb 1840 on the death of Rev T Husdon.
1840-1847 William Wakeham [DRB, SR]. He died of fever during the famine at the age of 32. He is buried in Kinsalebeg Church.
1844 Percy Scott Smyth ? [DRB] (see earlier entry above, we assume this is the son of P S Smyth above)
1851 Arthur Travers Burroughes [DB, SR] was appointed curate in Dec. 1851. He resigned in Jan 1855.
Note: Marriage of daughter of Rev A T Burroughs in Dec 1854 indicated he was deceased. However he was curate in Ardmore after this and died there in 1864 and was buried in St Pauls.
1849/185? Arthur Crowe Rainey [DRB]
1873 Richard Woods [DR]
1902 William Henry Rennison
1904 Alexander Crone [DR]
1911 United with Templemichael
Clerical Succession List for Templemichael (1672-1920)
The parishes of Templemichael, Kilkockin (part of) and Kinsalebeg form this Union. Templemichael, Kilcockin formerly belonged to the Abbey of Molanna – formed part of Walter Raleigh’s estates & from him by purchase to Richard Boyle Earl of Cork. Upon the dissolution of the Union of Clashmore & Kinsalebeg the latter was prospectively linked to Ardmore but in 1911 was definitely joined to Templemichael.
Vicars in Templemichael (1671-1920):
[1672] Simon Radcliffe [VB]
[1717] Isaac Gervais [VB]
1757 John Eustace
1760 Thomas Pach ? [FF]
1784-1819 Robert Stephens died 4/9/1819, [FF, PAR, REP]. Start date not confirmed but he was vicar in 1806.
Robert Stephens was vicar of Templemichael, Grange, Kinsalebeg and Kilcocken at time of his death.
1819 George Tierney Roche [T,DRB,SR]
1837 Thomas Hudson
1840 James Bagge [T,DRB,SR]. He was appointed in February 1840.
1873 N.B.Curry [DR]
1876 Edward Loftus Fitzgerald [DR]
1886-1891 Curacy in charge
1911 Alexander Crone
1919 Charles Le P.T. Heaslop [DR]
1920 Arthur A. Burd [DR]
Curates in Templemichael (1732-1876):
1732 Simon Radcliffe [VB]
174? John Jaumard [SR]
[1752] Nathaniel France [VB]
1763 Thomas Lawless [VB]
1765 Thomas Sandiford [VB]
1822 Pierce William Drew [DRB]
1830 Thomas Hudson
1870 Edward Robinson
1876 William Grayburn
Clerical Succession List in Clashmore (1300-1911)
[Rectory and Vicarage [RV., J Boyle etc]]. The rectory of Clashmore constituted the corps of the prebend. The prebend was in 1890 linked to the Precentorship.
Prependaries in Clashmore (1300-1890):
13?? John Colton [CPL]
1400 Maurice Cochrane (see also Maurice Ocoggran]
???? ?
1665 Francis Bernard
1675 Francis Becher
? ?
1817 Hon. George Theobold Bourke [FF,SR]
1819 John Averill
1821 Charles Henry Minchin
1827 William Mackessy [BA]
1883 Thomas Robert Rothwell
1890 United to Precentorship
Vicars in Clashmore (1356-1911):
1356 John de Balscale
1607 Richard Donovan
1613 William Orton
[1664] Arthur Stanhope
1683 Lewis Alcock
1698 ? Robert Bredin
1669 ? George Gardiner
1711 Samuel Holt
1763 James Denny
1776 Peter Augustine Franquefort
1779 Robert Lymberg
1780 William Jessop
1816 John Averill
1821 Charles Minchin
1827 William Mackesy
1847 Thomas Power [son born 25th Dec 1850]
1868 Charles Carroll [T,DVB] (Died 14th April 1904)
Kinsalebeg united with Clashmore in period 1885 onwards.
Notes: Charles Carroll probably covered Kinsalebeg in this period.
Some records indicate Charles Carroll was vicar of Kinsalebeg from 1878 to 1902. During illness and after resignation of Mr Carroll, Mr Crone was in charge until union with Ardmore.
1911 United to Ardmore
Curates in Clashmore (1732-1901):
[1732] Simon Radcliffe
1748 John Jaumard
1752 Henry Gervais
1750 Nathaniel France
1768 Francis Green
1769 Robert Lymbery
1775 John Lumbly
1778 Robert Lymbery
1803 William Power
1819-1820 Incumbents neighbouring parishes
1821 George Edward Eagle
1823 William B. Wallace
1824 William Hughes
1828 Samuel Brown Ardagh [DVB,VES,BK]
1858 John de Renzy
1864 Richard Woods
1900 William Henry Rennison
1901 Alexander Crone
Clerical Succession List in Ardmore & Ballymacart (Partial 1400-1914)
Vicars in Ardmore & Ballymacart (1400-1914):
14?? Philip Wyot
1446 Thomas O’Scancam otherwise Scolan
???? ????
1610 John Lancaster [CPRI]
???? ????
16?8 Richard Holt [FF, J. Boyle]. Stated as 1688 but probably 1638/1648
1686 Simon Radcliffe
1716 Simon Radcliffe Jun
???? ????
1791 Ponsonby May Carew
1827 Henry F Williams
1829 John Bourke Wallace
1871 Thomas Robert Rothwell
1914 William Henry Rennison
Curates in Ardmore & Ballymacart (1772-1867):
1772 Richard Vincent
1778 Richard Ryland
1779 Ponsonby May Carew
1789 John Averill
1822 James Bagge
1839 James Luby
1840 William Shields
1846 Arthur R Leech (probably should be Arthur H. Leech)
1849 John Jeb Sargent
1854 Arthur Travers Burroughs
1863 James R Millington
1867 Richard J C Richey
Clerical succession List in Grange (Partial 1400-1885)
Vicars in Grange (1400-1885):
14?? Thomas Ohallayd [CPL]
1446 Cornelius Otroyan [CPL]
14?? Thomas Ykenay (1460 ?)
1615 Johes. O’Hea or O’Lee (according to Rev P. Power in 1907)
1636 Richard Holt (John Hull BA son of Sir William Hull from 8th Jan 1835 according to Lismore Papers)
1671 William Radcliffe
???? ????
1819-1844 ? Percy Scott Smyth [DBR] He resigned Feb 1844 due to bad health – he was living in England at this time.
1844 Henry Hamilton Beamish. The Rev P.S. Smyth (Jun ?) also appointed to vicarage in Mar 1844.
H.H. Beamish appointed to vicarage in August 1844 & resigned Nov 1850.
1851 Richard Woods
1885 United to Ardmore
Curates in Grange (1732-1849):
1732 Simon Radcliffe Jun
???? ????
1765 Thomas Sandford
1840 William Wakeham
1849 Patrick Foley
Additional information on Church of Ireland clerics in Kinsalebeg
The additional information below was mainly obtained from Clergy of Waterford, Lismore and Ferns6 by Cotton & Rennison which essentially covers Church of Ireland clerical and diocesan information. The diocese of Waterford was founded in 1086 and up until 1362 Waterford and Lismore were separate dioceses in the Catholic Church. On 16th June 1363 Thomas Le Reve was declared Bishop of the merged diocese of Waterford & Lismore by confirmation of Pope John XXII. The information from 1536 onwards in this chapter refers only to the Church of Ireland. In August 1833 Cashel & Emily was united to Waterford & Lismore. In 1977 Ossory, Ferns & Leighlin was united with Cashel, Waterford & Lismore to become the present day diocese of Cashel & Ossory and the diocese of Emly transferred to Limerick & Killaloe.
William John Wakeham:
William John Wakeham was born in Cork and was son of Rev. Thomas Wakeham. He received a BA degree from Trinity College Dublin in 1832. He ministered in Cloyne (1833) and Cork (1837). He was appointed curate of Lisgenan (Grange, Co Waterford) in 1840 before being appointed vicar of Kinsalebeg, Co Waterford (also 1840) where he ministered until his death with typhus fever in June 1847 during the famine. The records indicated that he was appointed curate of Derrygrath in 1850 but this is obviously incorrect as he died in Kinsalebeg in 1847. Rev William John Wakeham played a major role in the whole area of famine relief in Kinsalebeg from 1845 until his premature death in 1847 at the age of 32 years. Details of his involvement in famine relief are covered elsewhere in this history but the inscription on his grave in Kinsalebeg Church is a sobering summary of the cause of his death:
“Fell victim to disease brought about by exertions in relieving suffering of poor of parish during famine”.
He was buried in Kinsalebeg Church where he is no doubt in the company of many other mostly unknown Kinsalebeg heroes in the period from 1200 to the burial of 26 year old Albert Medal winner Stoker Lynch in 1899.
Thomas Hudson:
Thomas Hudson was curate of Templemichael in 1830 and was appointed curate of Kinsalebeg in 1834. He became vicar of Colligan in 1843.
Note: According to other reports he died on Feb 1840 while vicar of Templemichael.
James Bagge:
James Bagge obtained a BA degree from Trinity College Dublin in 1820 and was appointed curate of Ringagona (Ring Co. Waterford) in 1821. He became curate of Ardmore in 1822 before being appointed curate of Kinsalebeg in 1837. He was curate of Templemichael from 1840-1847.
Note: He was in fact appointed vicar of Templemichael in Feb 1840 and was vicar until 1858 at least.
Robert Stephens (or Stephenson):
Robert Stephens died in Templemichael at an advanced age on 4th September 1819 and at that point was vicar of the parishes of Kinsalebeg, Grange, Templemichael and Kilcocken in Co Waterford. Essentially all these parishes were united under Templemichael in the period preceding 1819. According to newspaper reports at the time “By his death the above four parishes have become vacant, the presentation of which belongs to his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, who intends to disunite them, and to give but one parish to each Clergyman, and will not present a person to any living in his gift who will not reside in the parish”.
Arthur Crowe Rainey:
Arthur Crowe Rainey was curate of Kinsalebeg about 1849-1852. He died in 1874.
Thomas Sherwin (or Sherwyn):
Thomas Sherwin was ordained by Bishop of Bath & Wells on 18th January 1589. On 18th Dec 1591 he was admitted as vicar of Kinsalebeg and Lisgenan (Grange), in Lismore diocese. In 1916 he was vicar of Carrigtwohill Co Cork and on 15th Oct 1617 he became Treasurer of Lismore.
Richard Woods:
Richard Woods was born in Kings County (Offaly) and obtained a BA from Trinity College Dublin in 1831. He was appointed curate in Cullen (1837) and Tallow (1841-1842). He was vicar choral in Waterford (1841-1846) and ministered in Mocollop (1844-1854 approx). He was vicar of Lisgenan (Grange Co Waterford) from 1851 and was appointed curate of Kinsalebeg in 1873.
Sir Percy Scott Smyth:
According to Freeman’s Journal of 7th Feb 1844 (quoting an article from the Cork Examiner) Percy Scott Smyth was obliged to resign his curacy in Kinsalebeg and Grange in consequence of him being obliged to reside in England due to ill-health. This period overlaps with the curacy of William Wakeham in Kinsalebeg so it would appear that William Wakeham was covering the parish of Grange as well as Kinsalebeg. It was not unusual to have “absentee clergy” in the Church of Ireland at the time but the bishop of the time did not approve of it and as the absent clergymen still received payment the system was somewhat abused. An Examiner report on 1st March 1844 indicated that a Rev. P.S. Smyth was recently appointed to the vicarage of Kinsalebeg and Lisgenan (Grange) but it is not clear how this fits in with the article regarding his resignation as curate in February 1844. It would appear that he resigned as curate but continued as vicar of Kinsalebeg & Grange. Freeman’s Journal article of 7th Feb 1844 as follows:
“The Rev. Percy Scott Smyth being obliged to reside in England in consequence of ill-health, has resigned the union of Kinsalebeg and Grange, in the diocese of Lismore, and county of Waterford, which are in the gift of the Duke of Devonshire, and it is supposed his grace (at the request of the bishop) will disunite these livings which are fully adequate to support two clergymen respectably; and it has been much complained of that there is no resident clergyman in the latter parish, which is very extensive, and as several Protestant families residing it; and it adjoins the sea coast which many Protestant families frequent in summer for sea-bathing, and there is an old church in the centre of the parish which at little expense could be rebuilt. The bishop very properly insists on having a resident minister in every parish, and will not allow any unions, and has already effected considerable improvement in this respect in his diocese, and also abolished visitation dues.”
Percy Scott Smyth had inherited the Headborough estate on the death of his father and he had also inherited lands in Monatray where he built Monatray House. He married Catherine Odell and their son Percy Smyth later inherited Headborough and Monatray.
William Henry Rennison:
William Henry obtained a BA degree from Trinity College Dublin and was appointed curate in Clashmore (1900) and also ministered in Templemichael around the same period (1900+). He was appointed curate of Kinsalebeg in 1902 before moving to Cappoquin as curate in 1904. He later became chaplain in Villierstown (1904+) before becoming rector of Ardmore in 1914. He moved to Clonegan (near Carrick-on-Suir) as rector for period 1921 until his death in 1937. He was author of the “Succession List of the Dioceses of Waterford and Lismore1 “ and wrote a number of books and articles on necrology which is apparently concerned with collecting information on persons who have died within a certain time span.
Alexander Crone:
Alexander Crone was born around 1849 and his family were from the Newry, Co Down area. He obtained a BA degree in 1877 from QUI (Belfast & Galway). He initially ministered in the North of Ireland and also spent a number of years in the USA initially in McLeansboro Illinois and from 1892 to at least 1896 he ministered in St Marks Newport Vermont USA. He emigrated to the USA in 1891 and married Emily Laura born in England in 1892 in USA – she emigrated to the USA in 1892. Their first six children were born in USA and they returned to Ireland around 1903 to 1904. Alexander Crone served as a curate in Kinsalebeg (from 1904) and Templemichael (from 1911). He died on 15th November 1932. Alexander Crone and his wife Emily Laura were living in the Strand, Youghal when their son Lieutenant Percy Alexander Crone died on 8th September 1916 aged 22 during the 1st World War. Percy Crone was born in January 1894 in Vermont USA. He was a soldier in the 7th (Service) Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers (formerly 4th Battalion Munster Fusiliers). On 5th September 1916 the Royal Munster Fusiliers were involved in an attack on Komarjan Bridge which spans the Struma River near Yugoslav/Greek border. They were attacked and compelled to retire. 2nd Lieutenant P.A. Crone remained behind and was lost. A patrol went out in an endeavour to find him but they were unable to find any trace of him. His body was never found and his death is commemorated on The Doiran Memorial near the Doiran Military cemetery, which is situated in the north of Greece close to the Yugoslav frontier and near the south-east shore of Lake Doiran. (Details obtained from History of Munster Fusiliers). A daughter of Alexander Crone namely Emily Helena Crone married Horace Sampson Roch of Woodbine Hill on 15th Nov 1931. Kinsalebeg was joined with Templemichael in 1911 and Kinsalebeg Church itself became derelict in the following decades. Horace Sampson Roch salavaged some of the interior fittings of the church and the wall panelling was removed and installed in the dining room at Woodbine Hill where it is still present. In the 1911 census there were nine children in the Crone family and five of these children lived in Templemichael with Alexander Crone and his wife Emily Laura. The five children living with their parents in Templemichael were Ethel Margaret (aged 18) born in USA, Eleanor May (aged 8) born USA, Edward Rowland aged 5 born Co Waterford, Emily Helena aged 2 born Co Waterford and Horace Digby aged 3 months, born Co Waterford. The other four children were not living at their home in Templemichael in 1911 namely Charles K born Dec 1895 in USA, Dorothy M born Dec 1898, Arthur J born Feb 1900 in USA and Percy Alexander born Jan 1894 in USA.
William Porcelle (Purcell):
On 6th July 1503 William Porcelle bound himself for the Annotes of Kinsalebeg & Hamayn (Lisgenan ? (Grange Co Waterford)).
Thomas Barnard:
Thomas Barnard was Vicar of Kinsalebeg in 1645.
Nicholas O’Cullen:
Nicholas O’Cullen was Vicar of Kinsalebeg circa 1588 and held the vicarage until around 1591 at least. He was a layman and described as “studiosus” (Latin for zealous) in Bishop Miler Magrath’s Visitation of Waterford and Lismore in 1588.
William Elliot Shaw:
William Elliot Shaw was Vicar of Kinsalebeg 1854. His parents were Richard Shaw (b 1779) and Eliza Stanley of Enniskerry in Wicklow. Richard Shaw was a captain in the 27th Enniskillen Regiment Foot and was a son of William Shaw, a Dublin coach builder. William Elliot Shaw firstly married Jane Abbott on 19th July 1842 at St. Peter’s Church Dublin with Chattenham Terrace given as their address at the time of the wedding. The witnesses to the wedding were John Abbott and P. Caleb Barnes. Children from this marriage included John Stanley Shaw, George Shaw, Richard Clifford Shaw, Jane Abbott Shaw and Elizabeth Stanley Shaw who was born on 11th November 1843. Jane Abbott Shaw married Robert Bury Tivy of Galway and they had eleven children including William Elliot Tivy.
On 18th Sept 1858 William Elliot Shaw, widower and vicar of Kinsalebeg, secondly married Mary Moody Farrell nee Power, widow of James Farrell Esq of Blandford St London, and youngest daughter of the late John Power Esq. of Bellevue, Youghal. The wedding took place at St. Mary’s Church in Youghal with Matthew Jones Hayman, son of Samuel Hayman & Melian Jones, and George Roche Jnr, son of George Butler Roch & Jane Wilkinson of Woodbine Hill, as witnesses. The marriage ceremony was carried out by Rev. Pierce William Drew, rector of Youghal. The address of William Elliot Shaw on the date of his second marriage in 1858 was Dean Street in Youghal and his father, Richard Shaw, was stated to be deceased. Mary Moody Farrell was residing at Strand House Youghal at the time of her marriage. Mary Moody Power’s first marriage took place in Youghal on 24th November 1842 when she married James Farrell of Gloucester Place Portman Sq. Children from this marriage included Ellen Grehan Farrell (1848-1923), Mary Moody Power Farrell (1845-1923), James G Farrell (1847-) and John Power Farrell (1848-1853).
William Shaw was educated at Trinity College Dublin (commenced July 1837) but there is no record of him completing a degree there. He lived in Monatray House around 1860 when the Smyths of Ballynatray were leesors. In addition to Kinsalebeg he also ministered in Canada (c. 1849), Dungarvan (1850+) and Kilgobinet (1853). Rev. William Shaw brought a court action against Rev. Richard Woods in 1854 to recover the sum of £34 12s 10d, tithe-rent charge received by the defendant as one of the vicars-choral of the Cathedral Church Lismore. It was a complicated case but in essence it revolved around the appointment of Richard Woods as vicar of Grange (Lisgenan) in 1851. Subsequent to this appointment William Shaw maintained that he had been appointed vicar-choral in Lismore Cathedral in place of Richard Woods but that the tithe-rent charge due to him for this position was claimed by Richard Woods but was really his entitlement. The matter could not be resolved between them so they went to court in 1855. The Court of Queens Bench ruled in favour of the defendant Rev. Richard Woods. Coincidentally Richard Woods later became a curate in Kinsalebeg Church around 1873. The Rev. William Elliot Shaw died in 1884 and was buried in Wivenhoe, Essex where he was then curate.
Samuel Jordan:
Samuel Jordan was vicar of Kilwatermoy, Kinsalebeg and Grange in 1660. He was appointed curate in Templemichael in 1664 and was rector in Youghal in 1672.
Thomas Pulvertaft Thirkill:
Thomas Pulvertaft Thirkill was born circa 1820 in Dublin and married Sophia Hamilton on 14th June 1845. He was the son of Francis Thirkill and Mary Ann Pulvertoft (born 1781) who married in 1808. The extended Pulvertoft/Pulvertaft families were from the Horncastle, Spalding and Gedney areas of Lincolnshire in England. Thomas Pulvertaft Thirkill obtained a BA degree from Brasennose College Oxford in 1844 and was vicar of Kinsalebeg, Co Waterford from 1851 to 1854. He was elected a member of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland in May 1855 in Kilkenny together with Rev. John Jebb Sargint of Ballyquin House Ardmore and Rev. Arthur Travers Burroughs of Ardmore who were all proposed by Rev. Samuel Hayman Youghal - a noted historian and chronicler during that period. A birth of a son to wife of Rev T.P. Thirkill on 25th June 1851 was reported in London Standard of 28th June 1851.
Henry Hamilton Beamish (1st):
Henry Hamilton Beamish was born in 1796 and graduated with a BA degree from Trinity College in 1817 and was ordained in 1819. He was vicar of Kinsalebeg, Co Waterford in the period from 1844 until his resignation in November 1850. His parents were the Rev. Samuel Beamish (born 1753) and Mary Hamilton who was his 2nd wife having firstly been married to Mary Stamer. Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish married firstly Anne Isabella Spread who was the daughter of Rev. Edward Spread and Isabella Scott. Isabella Scott in turn was daughter of Hibernicus Scott and Ann Smyth of Ballynatray, Co Waterford. The Smyths of Ballynantray were a long established family in West Waterford and the descendants of Hibernicus Scott and Ann Smyth included Percy Scott Smyth who in addition to Ballynatray also inherited Monatray House and estates in Monatray. The family eventually dropped the Scott from the name and so reverted to just Smyth. The Percy Smyth and his wife Mary Smyth who died within three days of each other in 1910 were also descendants of Hibernicus Scott but had reverted back to the Smyth part of their ancestry at that stage - Hibernicus Scott probably sounded a bit too much like an Antartic explorer than a land owner! Mary Smyth died first and was buried in Kinsalebeg Church graveyard as she had requested and her death was followed by that of her husband Percy as he made his way back to Ballynatray after the burial of his wife in Kinsalebeg Church. He was also buried in Kinsalebeg Church as was their daughter Louisa Mary Kathleen Smyth. Anyway I digress somewhat from the story here but just wanted to show the inter linkages between the various Church of Ireland families in the area. The family I want to focus on here are the descendants of Henry Hamilton Beamish Vicar of Kinsalebeg from 1844 to Nov 1850 so bear with me for a moment. I want to briefly outline the children of our Kinsalebeg vicar Henry Hamilton Beamish and from there follow the career of one of the children namely the second Henry Hamilton Beamish and from there follow the path of one of his children also called Henry Hamilton Beamish – the third Henry Hamilton Beamish. In other words we will look at three generations of Henry Hamilton Beamish starting in Kinsalebeg Co Waterford and see where it brings us. The descendants of the 1st Henry Hamilton Beamish, vicar of Kinsalebeg, had little or no connection with Kinsalebeg that we know so we are just taking a short detour out of curiosity. It is interesting to trace the descendants of some earlier inhabitants of Kinsalebeg and maybe in time it will be possible to trace the descendants and ancestors of other families from the area.
Descendants of Henry Hamilton Beamish of Kinsalebeg
Henry Hamilton Beamish (1st):
The first Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish Vicar of Kinsalebeg and his first wife Anna Isabella Spread had eleven children. The Freemans Journal of 28th May 1847 reports the death of Anna Isabella as follows: “Death at Malvern, Worcestershire, Anne Isabelle, wife of the Rev Henry Hamilton Beamish, vicar of Kinsalebeg Co Waterford and Minister of Trinity Chapel, Conduit St London”.
The children of the Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish and Anna Isabella Beamish nee Spread were as follows:
- Anne Elizabeth Beamish died 13th Oct 1899, unmarried
- Jane Anne Wilhelmina St. Maur Beamish died 21st Aug 1853, unmarried
- Esther Matilda Grace Beamish died December 1882 in Algiers, unmarried
- Frances Lucy Margaret Beamish married Frederick Pering Jellard London banker in 1903
- Rev. Samuel Henry Beamish born 12th June 1821, died 11th Jan 1900, unmarried, BA Clare College Cambridge, vicar of Lamborley in Kent, H.M’s chaplain in India
- Isabella Anne Beamish born 27th September 1822/23, died 24th June 1892, unmarried
- Lt. Col Edward Spread Beamish born Kinsale 11th November 1825, Royal Artillery, died 17th April 1892 in Dartford Kent, married Elizabeth Dougal in 1860, children Anna Isabella and John Hamilton Beamish.
- Rear-Admiral Henry Hamilton Beamish born Cork 16th April 1829, married Louisa Mary Anne Harrison (died 1865) in 1864, married Blanche Georgina Hughes 1867, died 18th July 1901 (see below for additional details).
- John Bedell Beamish born 16th March 1831, died 25th September 1854, unmarried
- Percy Smyth Beamish born 23rd July 1835, married 1st Ada Nuenberg Smith, 2nd Frances Emily Strange nee Ormsby in 1875, died 11th Dec 1908
He also had one child Catherine Emily Beamish from his second marriage to Frances Udney in 1851.
Henry Hamilton Beamish (2nd):
Now one of the sons of Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish & Anna Isabella Spread was also named Henry Hamilton Beamish. He entered the Royal Navy in 1845. He was promoted to midshipman in 1847, mate in 1851, Lieutenant in 1853 and Commander in 1858. He was promoted Captain in 1864 and was Rear Admiral when he retired in 1880. He served in South America, East Indies and China (1845-53). He received the Burma Medal, Pegu clasp (India service medal), Gunnery Specialist 1853. He served in the Baltic 1854 and was mentioned in despatches. He served in China 1856-58 after which he received a medal with 2 clasps. He was later ADC to Lord Elgin and commanded HMS Wrangler in West Africa where they captured three slave ships. He was captain of HMS Agincourt in 1870-71 but lost his command when the ship was grounded near Gibraltar. He commanded the HMS Pallas in 1875-79 and finally ended his career as Aide-de-Camp or ADC to Queen Victoria from 1877 to 1880 when he finally retired. When he retired he focused on providing social and religious assistance to seamen in Bransted, Kent. He was a director and chairman of the Red Ensign Club in London Docks for almost twenty years after his retirement. The Red Ensign Club was the first sailors’ Home which was opened in 1835 and was finally closed in 1974. It provided accommodation, education, religious services and shopping/banking facilities for seamen. He had one child Louisa Esther Beamish from his 1st marriage to Louisa Mary Harrison in 1864. He married his second wife Blanche Georgina Hughes on 14th October 1867 and they had nine children namely:
- S/Lt. Robert Otway Hamilton Beamish, born 1st Sept 1868, married Selina Mary Lewis in 1900 three children Robert lewis, Peter Tufton Charles and Arthur Valentine Fitzroy Beamish, educated Stubbington and HMS Britannia. Joined Royal Navy in 1882 and retired in 1891 as Sub-Lieutenant.
- Maud Louisa Hamilton Beamish, born London 18th Nov 1869, married Major General Sir William Hope Meiklejohn (K.C.B, C.M.G) in 1870. Major General Meiklejohn was commander of the British forces in Malakand South when they were under siege following the Pashtun tribe uprising in India in 1897. The siege was lifted when a relief column dispatched from British positions to the south was sent to assist General William Hope Meiklejohn. Accompanying this relief force was second lieutenant Winston Churchill later of World War II fame, who published his account as The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War. The Meiklejohns had at least one child Meg who was present in the fort at the above Siege of Malakand in India in 1897.
- Evelyn Francis Hamilton Beamish, born London 31st May 1871, died 14th April 1913, not married.
- Major Sackville Edward Cecil Hamilton Beamish, born Pimlico London 13th May 1872, married Beatrix Caithness (of Calcutta) in 1913, three children Helen Evelyn, Richard Sackville and Henry Hamilton. He was educated at RMC Sandhurst and was commissioned to the West India Regiment. He served in the Ashanti Campaign of 1895-1896 in central Ghana and received the General Africa Medal and Clasp. He also served in the West Indies and served in France during World War 1. He won the 1914 Star medal (or Mons Star), General Service and Victory Medals and was mentioned in despatches for services during World War 1. He retired to Middlesex in 1922 at the age of 50 with the rank of Major.
- Henry Hamilton Beamish, born in London on 2nd June 1873, married Winifred Green in 1926, no children. He died on 27th March 1948 and was buried in Salisbury Rhodesia now called Zimbabwe. (See below for career details).
- Rear-Admiral Tufton Percy Hamilton Beamish, born 26th July 1874 in London, married Margaret Antonio Simon of Didsbury in 1914, four children namely Antonio Vivien, Tufton Victor, John Otway and Gillian Antonia Hamilton. Joined the British Navy in 1888 aged 14. Became Lieutenant in 1896, Commander in 1907, Captain in 1914 and Rear-Admiral in 1925. He served in South America, Africa, China and the Mediterranean. Won medal with Benin clasp during Africa campaign. He was Commander on Staffs of Commanders in Chief (Mediterranean, Atlantic second and third fleets 1907-11). Was Assistant to Chief of War Staff at The Admiralty in 1912. He was Commander of HMS Prosperine in 1913, Flag Captain of HMS Good Hope in 1914 and was Assistant to the First Sea Lord in 1914. He was Flag Captain and Chief of Staff to Admiral Sturdes on HMS Invincible during Falkland Islands action in 1914. He Captained HMS Cordelia during 1st World War in 1915-16 period and was in Jutland in 1916. He returned to the Admiralty in 1917-19 before captaining HMS Harebell in 1921. After he retired in 1922 he became Conservative MP for Lewes in 1924-1031 and also 1936 to 1945. In his youth he captained the United Service rugby team and also played rugby for Blackheath, Kent and the Barbarians.
- Gustavus William Loftus Hamilton Beamish, born 1875 in London, died 1877 in infancy in Kensington, London.
- John Spread Hamilton Beamish, born 21st January 1877 in London, married Emma Longstaff in 1915, no children, died 1917 aged 40.
- Margaret Esther Hamilton Beamish, born 1880 in London, on 9th March 1904 married Lieutenant Colonel Horace Mackenzie Smith, D.S.O of the King’s Shropshire Light Infantry.
Henry Hamilton Beamish (3rd):
He was son of Rear-Admiral Henry Hamilton Beamish (ADC to Queen Victoria) and grandson of Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish (Vicar of Kinsalebeg from 1844). He was born on 2nd June1873, married Winifred Green, daughter of John Green in 1926 and they had no children. Beamish fought in the second Boer War (1899-1902) with the Ceylon Planters Contingent and afterwards settled in South Africa in what was then Rhodesia later renamed Zimbabwe. The Boer War was a particular vicious war with the British adopting a “scorched earth” policy against the Boers. This war was one of the first times that “concentration camps” were used to control the civilian population. Wives and children of Boer guerrillas were rounded up in these concentration camps with very poor hygiene and little food. Most of the children and many of the adults died. The war attracted a lot of hostility around the world and in particular the ire of the German Empire who despite their criticism of concentration camps went on to use some of these war methods themselves in Europe during the second World War.
In any case Henry Hamilton Beamish was very critical of the background behind the Boer War which he maintained was really to protect the “business interests” of the wealthy gold and diamond mine owners which in his view were mainly Jews. He took an increasingly hostile attitude towards the Jewish race as a result. He believed they were exploiting British imperialism for their own global commercial purposes. Many years later in October 1937 he spoke on the Boer War in the following terms:
“The Boer war occurred 37 years ago. Boer means farmer. Many criticised a great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals. Anything these people touch they inevitably pollute”.
He fought in the 1st World War with the Natal Regiment of South Africa Infantry and after the war he became very active in fascist, anti-Semite circles in England. In 1919 he founded The Britons organisation in England and was its President from 1919 to 1948. This was an anti-Semitic, anti-immigration organisation which was very active in publishing propaganda and pamphlets of an anti-Semitic nature. Other people involved in the Britons included the sinister John Henry Clarke, Arthur Kitson and Brigadier-General R.B.D. Blakeney.
The Britons group claimed that its primary aim was to force all the Jews in Britain to emigrate to Palestine. Beamish himself spent quite a lot of his life overseas after 1919 mainly due to his reluctance to pay a £5000 libel damages award to the then First Commissioner of Works, Sir Alfred Mond. Beamish had alleged that Mond, a leading Jewish industrialist, was a traitor who had assisted the Germans during the 1st World War. Beamish was sued for libel by Mond and lost the case. Beamish became a kind of international roving advocate for anti-Semitism. He was one of the early proposers of the “Madagascar Plan” which established a plan to deport European Jews to Madagascar. He claimed to have taught Adolf Hitler on the alleged dangers of a Jewish world conspiracy and stated that he was engaged in discussions with Hitler on methods of solving the so called “Jewish question”. Whether this was true or not is subject to conjecture but the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP) did form links with Beamish’s Britons group and indeed the Nazis ran advertisements for The Britons in their newspapers. Beamish gave lectures in Nazi Germany and also spoke at a number of NSDAP meetings. Beamish also served as Vice-President of the Imperial Fascist League. Henry Hamilton Beamish eventually returned to Rhodesia where he became an independent member of the Rhodesian Parliament. He was interned in Rhodesia during World War II and died shortly after the war in 1948.
The above gives an approximate 100 year overview of one stream of the Beamish family from Rev Henry Hamilton Beamish Vicar of Kinsalebeg in 1844 to the death of his grandson Henry Hamilton Beamish in 1948 in Rhodesia. It encompasses a multitude of life styles, activities and political affiliations including church ministry, multiple wars, naval activities, support of social issues, high military positions, ADC to Queen Victoria, fascism, anti-semitism, internment and indeed support for Adolf Hitler. It would be difficult to come up three more contrasting occupations in three generations of the same family commencing with Henry Hamilton Beamish 1st who was Vicar of Kinsalebeg. His son, Rear-Admiral Henry Hamilton Beamish 2nd, served a long military career and became ADC to Queen Victoria. Finally Henry Hamilton Beamish 3rd, son of the Rear-Admiral, fought in the 1st World War but later became a leading fascist and anti-Jewish supporter. This culminated in his support of Hitler during the 2nd World War and his proposal to Hitler to solve the “Jewish problem” by deporting Jews to Madagascar. No doubt if we followed the descendants of other Kinsalebeg related people from the past we would come up with equally interesting histories.
Burials in Kinsalebeg Church
The source information available for burials in Kinsalebeg is very sparse and incomplete but hopefully it can be built up over time. The earliest burial record located is that of Elizabeth Lancaster nee Harris who was buried on the 8th November 1624 and the latest burial record recorded is that of Nora (Nonie) Connors who was buried on the 12th August 2007. There are obviously many more burials in Kinsalebeg Church than recorded here as we are talking about a time period spanning over seven hundred years. This is a first attempt at compiling a partial list of both Catholic and Church of Ireland burials as both denominations were buried in Kinsalebeg at various stages over the centuries. The burials from 1910 onwards seem to have been predominantly Catholic but the available listed records for this period only cover from 1940 onwards. The actual Church of Ireland Burials Register20 for Kinsalebeg Church has unfortunately only four entries covering the period 1910 to 1918. The entries are poignant because of the relationship between the people involved and the proximity of the deaths. The first entry concerns the burial of Mrs Mary Smyth nee Maxwell of Headborough and Monatray House who was buried in Kinsalebeg on 9th March 1910 aged 67 having died on the 6th March. The Smyth family were descendants of the Smyth’s of Headborough but were also owners of Monatray House and owned a large amount of the land in Kinsalebeg. Percy Smyth and his wife Mary mainly resided in Monatray around the turn of the century even though they had lost most of their land in Monatray at that point to the land commission. The second entry in the burial register is that of Percy Smyth who was buried in Kinsalebeg on the 12th March 1910 aged 70 having died on the 10th March. Percy Smyth was husband of Mary Smyth nee Maxwell above and was buried in Kinsalebeg three days after his wife was buried. Percy Smyth died on his way back to Ballynatray after his wife’s funeral in Kinsalebeg. He apparently came off the horse carriage going up the hill in Knockanore to give the horses a rest. He proceeded to walk up the hill behind the carriage but collapsed on the way up and died shortly afterwards. A daughter of Percy & Mary Smyth, namely Louisa Mary Kathleen Smyth, who died on the 17th August 1906 at the age of thirty three years, was also buried in the family tomb in Kinsalebeg Church.
The third entry in the burials register is that of Harrieta Isabella Gertrude Holroyd Smyth of Ballynatray who was buried on 17th September 1918 aged 69 years. This entry probably just records a memorial service in Kinsalebeg because it is fairly certain that Harrieta Smyth was buried in Templemichael and not Kinsalebeg. The fourth and last entry in the burials register is that of Charles Edward Ridley Holroyd Smyth of Ballynatray. Charles Holroyd Smyth was born in 1882 and married Nora Layard of Bath in 1917. Her grandfather Sir Austen Henry Layard was a famous archaeologist, historian and diplomat who had completed numerous archaeological expeditions to what was then Persia and is mainly noted for explorations among the ruins of Assyria, the ruins of Nimrud on the Tigris and the great mound of Kuyunjik near Mosul. Captain Charles Holroyd Smyth was given command of the 15th Durham Light Infantry in March 1918. He died from wounds received in action while leading the attack on Villers Guislain outside Cambria in France on 18th September 1918. Charles Holroyd Smyth was buried on 27th September 1918 aged 36 years. This was ten days after the burial of his mother who was the above named Harrieta Smyth. Charles Holroyd Smyth DSO, Military Cross was actually buried in Lansdown Cemetery in Bath England so this entry in the Kinsalebeg Church burials register is more likely to be a record of a memorial service in either Kinsalebeg or Templemichael on that date. His widow Nora lived on until July 1970 when she died, aged 80, in Castlemacgarrett Co Mayo and is buried in Killucan Co. Westmeath.
Details of burials in Kinsalebeg Church are very difficult to locate but we have attempted to compile at least a starting list of the Catholics and Protestants buried here over the centuries with the hope that other individuals may be able to add to the list over time. The first source of burial records for Kinsalebeg Church is the Burials Register (COI Library, Dublin) for Kinsalebeg church. It has just four entries covering the period 1910 to 1918 as outlined above. The second source of burial records for Kinsalebeg is that of Memorials of the Dead. It mainly contains records transcribed from grave stones in the old churchyards in the period from 1888 onwards. It is obviously not an actual complete register of burials as it records only from grave stones which were still in existence in that period and which had legible inscriptions. Some of these inscriptions were updated with recent visual checks. The third source of burial records for Kinsalebeg Church has been taken from the burial register currently in possession of the McGrath family of Ferrypoint which only covers a period from 1944 onwards. The remainder of the burial records listed below are taken from either existing legible gravestones in Kinsalebeg or from newspaper articles or historical sources such as wills where it was indicated that the person wished to be buried in Kinsalebeg Church. The list of burials for Kinsalebeg Church therefore represents a small subset of the actual people buried in the old church at Kinsalebeg. It should be possible to add to the list particularly with details of parishioners buried there over the last century. The list of burials does not include any details of parishioners buried in Pilltown Church which can hopefully be drawn up separately.
Aherne burials:
16th August 1944: Mary Aherne; Catholic; Housekeeper; Residence: Monatrea; Died: 13th August 1944; Burial location: North; MOI: Julia Hyde & Denis Veale
Jan 1947: Catherine Ahern; Catholic; Housekeeper; Residence: Monatrea; Died Jan 1947; Burial location: North; MOI: Maurice Murphy.
Bernard burials:
1767: Arthur Bernard of Prospect Hall.
Note: In his will of 6th August 1767 Arthur Bernard expressed his desire to be buried in Kinsalebeg Church. There is no actual record of the burial but we assume he was buried where he wished. He also left £300 to the poor of Kinsalebeg in his will and insisted that there be “no distinction between Protestants and Popish”.
Brodey/Brodie burials:
April 15th 1954: Mrs Ellen Brodey/Brodie; Catholic; Housekeeper; MOI: Dan Lehane & Pharsie (Jack Farrissey ?)
Clansey burials:
14th May 1837: Margaret Clansey. Erected by Patrick Clansey in memory of his wife.
Connors burials:
April or 11th September 1954: Patrick Connors; Catholic; Labourer; Residence: Monatrea East; Died April 1954; Burial location: North; MOI: Patrick Connors (Son); Grave inscription: “11th September ? 1954 Patrick Connors Ballysallagh Kinsalebeg.”
Note: The Connors family grave is located 1st on left after gate entrance to graveyard.
20th February 1957: Bridget Connors; Grave inscription: “20th February 1957. Bridget Connors wife of Patrick Connors.
10th August 1998: Patrick (Pa) Connors; Died 9th August 1998; Grave inscription: “9th August 1998 Patrick (Pa) Connors. Bachelor. Son of Patrick & Bridget Connors.”
12th August 2007: Nora (Nonie) Connors; Died 10th August 2007; Grave inscription: “10th August 2007: Nora (Nonie) Connors. Spinster. Daughter of Patrick & Bridget Connors”.
Note: The above Patrick (Pa) and Nora (Nonie) Connors were brother and sister and children of the earlier named Patrick & Bridget Connors.
Donnell burials:
Unknown date: James/John Donnell; Catholic; Labourer; MOI: M. Flynn Kiely’s Cross
Unknown date: Bridget Donnell; Catholic; MOI: M. Flynn Kiely’s Cross
Unknown date: Mary Donnell; Catholic; MOI: M. Flynn Kiely’s Cross
Fitzgerald burials:
2nd August 1810. Michael Fitzgerald Esq. of Prospect Hall. “Sacred to the memory of Michael FitzGerald Esq of Prospect Hall who departed this life August 2 1810” Remainder illegible in 1909.
Note: The above Michael FitzGerald who was buried on 2nd August 1810 was a son of the famous poet Piaras Mac Gearailt and Elizabeth Lawlor who had lived in Kinsalebeg for a period. Piaras Mac Gearailt died in Lackendarra Kinsalebeg in the home of his in-laws the Lawlors of Lackendarra. Michael FitzGerald was firstly married to Mary Maher whose father was a ship owner trading between Cadiz and Ireland. He secondly married a Catherine Cunningham. His place of residence at the time of his death was given as Prospect Hall which was either a reference to the townland or to the house named Prospect Hall. We have covered the history of the FitzGerald family of Kinsalebeg and Ballymacoda elsewhere in the history of Kinsalebeg.
6th May 1790. James Fitzgerald. Age 63. Stone erected by Margaret Fitzgerald in memory of her father. Inscription: “Erected by Margaret FitzGerald in memory of her father James FitzGerald who departed this life 6th May 1790. Aged 63 years”.
1874 ?: Dermot ? Fitzgerald. Died 1874 ? Age 6 weeks ?.
Note: 2nd grave on left on entry to graveyard.
Grant burials:
2nd September 1803: John Grant. Age 76
Inscription:” Here lieth the body of Mr John Grant who died September 2nd 1803. Aged 76 years”.
Hallahan burials:
1941 to 1944: Thomas Hallahan; Catholic; Labourer; Residence: Monatrea; Died: not recorded; Burial location: North; MOI: (Sons) Patrick & Thomas.
Note: The actual burial date not recorded on this entry but it would appear to be between 1941 and 1944.
1966: Thomas Hallahan; Catholic; Labourer; Residence: Ballysallagh; Burial location: North; MOI: Mrs Nora Hallahan (wife)
May 1967 or 1968: William Hallahan; Catholic; Labourer; Ballysallagh; Burial location: North; MOI: Bartholomew Hallahan (Nephew)
24th April 1976: Bert Hallahan
Hallan ? burials:
8th March 1950: Mrs Hallan?; Catholic; Housekeeper; Residence: Monatrea; Died March 1950; Burial location: North; MOI: Julia Lynch
Harty burials:
1969: Mrs Margaret Harty; Catholic; Housewife; Residence: Ardmore; Burial location: West; MOI: Mrs F? Troy Ardmore (Daughter)
Lawlor/Hely burials:
7th March 1816: Mrs Richard Hely (nee Lawlor): The tomb contains the inscription: “Underneath are deposited the remains of Mrs Richard Hely who died 7th March 1816 aged 28? Years ..... also in memory of her father Patrick Lawlor of Ardo House who died May 1847 and her mother Anne who died March 1861.... This sacred Tomb erected by Richard and George Hely Esquire .....”
Note: The Lawlor family lived in Ardo House in the period around 1837. An entry in Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary of 1837 states that “Ardo, the residence of P [Patrick] Lawlor, Esq., is a castellated mansion situated about a mile from the village [of Ardmore], near the sea, and commanding an extensive and interesting prospect.” The colourful history of Ardo House is more often associated with the Coghlan, de Castries and McKenna families but the Lawlor family obviously also lived there for a brief period in the 19th century.
Jackson burials:
26th January 1846 (18?6): Mary Anne Jackson daughter of Wm. and F? Jackson.
Keane burials:
Keane family 1860-1899:
Date: 29th March 1860: Matthew Keane. Age 70 years.
Date: 15th Sept 1882 His wife Mary Anne Keane nee Bayley. Age 83 years.
Date: 8th May 1899: His son James Everard Keane. Age 76 years. Also interred here are his sisters Mrs Elizabeth Fuge and Charlotte Keane.
The following is an entry from the book “Irish Migrants in New Zealand 1840-19375” written by Angela McCarthy regarding the above Keane family buried in Kinsalebeg Church:
Keane family (from Irish Migrants in New Zealand 1840-19375):
Matthew Keane & Mary Anne Keane nee Bayley and three of their adult children are buried in Kinsalebeg according to the above publication. The following excerpts from the book are included with the kind permission of author Angela McCarthy who is currently Professor of Scottish and Irish History at Otago University in New Zealand. Angela McCarthy, a Trinity College graduate, has written and lectured extensively on Scottish and Irish migration.
The following is an excerpt from above publication which gives some details of the descendants of the above Keanes:
“Mary Anne Keane was born on 2 February 1859, the eldest of seven children of James Keane and Johanna Curreen of Ballinamultina, County Waterford, who had married in July 1858. Though little is known about Mary Anne’s grandfather, Joseph Keane, her great-grandfather, Matthew Keane, was returned as a substantial occupier of approximately twenty-six Irish acres at Shanacoole in the Clashmore civil parish. [sic Kinsalebeg]. Together with his wife Mary Anne Bayley and three of their adult children, Matthew Keane lies in the family vault at Ferry Point, looking across the bay towards Youghal. [Kinsalebeg Church].
On 23rd August 1883 Mary Anne’s 20 year old sister Bridget emigrated on board the British Queen bound for Otago. Whether Mary Anne arrived before or after her sister is unknown, but she was in Dunedin in November 1884 to witness Bridget’s marriage to Michael Harty, a native of Kerry. Mary Anne, meanwhile, married in May 1887 to Walter Lovells Victor Walsh. They lived at Petone (Wellington, New Zealand) and had four children.
Mary Anne received eleven letters, between 1886 and 1921, from her siblings in Waterford, London and Chicago. Her sister Kate wrote nine letters, and brother John two. The letters depict the dispersal of the Keane family throughout the world and the haphazard attempts made to maintain sibling solidarity. They also contain signs of serious kin and neighbourhood strain. The letters depict the death of Mary Anne’s father James, who died in August 1902 at the Ballyheeny workhouse from a tumour of the kidneys. On 1st November 1932 Mary Anne Walsh, “a very old and highly respected resident of Perone died after a long illness .... She was a charming old lady and by her straightforward and affable disposition won the trust and esteem of a host of friends. She was ever ready to help those in distress, and took a keen interest in the advancement and welfare of the town. She lived a good and useful life, and many today will regret her death.’ (obit). Bridget Hart, meanwhile, died in September 1937. She had twelve children alive at the time of her death, ranging in age from 29 to 51 years”.
Lancaster/Harris burials:
8th November 1624: Elizabeth Lancaster.
Note: Elizabeth Lancaster nee Harris was wife of John Lancaster who was son of John Lancaster, chaplain to James I and Bishop of Waterford. John Lancaster was appointed precentor of Waterford in 1615 and precentor of Lismore in 1616. He was later prebendary of Disert and Kilmoleran and in 1617 was vicar of Mothel. John Lancaster married the above named Elizabeth Harris who was daughter of Sir Edward Harris, Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland. Elizabeth Lancaster nee Harris died in childbirth on 8th November 1624 and was buried in Kinsalebeg. The Latin inscription was mentioned in Memorials of the Dead but the actual inscription was not recorded there. The gravestone inscription was recorded as follows in articles detailing the history of the Harris family (note the Latin inscription shows U as V which was normal at the time eg corpvs instead of corpus):
Inscription details: A handsome limestone flag, inscribed with a (defaced) shield of arms, and having this epitaph running round the edge:
Notes re inscription: The following interesting article appeared in Fraser’s Magazine4 in 1845. The article concerns Sir Edward Harris father of the above named Elizabeth Lancaster nee Harris. Sir Edward Harris was Justice of the Common Pleas or in other words Chief Justice of Ireland and was also father of the above named Elizabeth Lancaster nee Harris. There is no other verification of this version of events which basically states that the above inscribed tombstone is in fact over the grave of a Hennessey family in Kinsalebeg and not over the grave of Elizabeth Lancaster! At this stage we will probably never know the truth but it is difficult to believe that someone would place a gravestone over a family grave which contained a name other than that of their own family. It is of course possible that their knowledge of Latin might not have been great and they assumed that anyone looking at the impressive monument would not understand Latin either!
Article quotation: ”In 1624 the chief-justice had the affliction of losing his favourite daughter, Elizabeth, wife of John Lancaster, precentor of Lismore. She died in child-birth in the bloom of life. The father ordered a monumental stone, with armorial bearings and ornamental sculpture, to be made for her in England. The ship that was conveying it to this country was wrecked near Youghal, and the inscribed stone was found by a person named Hennessey, and placed over the burial-place of his family in the churchyard in Kinsalebeg, opposite to Youghal. And there, by this whimsical perversion of use, the stone is made to declare a perpetual falsehood, “Here lies --,” “False marble, tell me where.” So you see Chief-justice Harris was unfortunate in his monumental intentions, and the “sic vos non vobis” of Virgil might be quoted applicably enough.”
Mary Harris, who was another daughter of Sir Edward Harris, married William Greatrakes of Affane. One of their sons namely Valentine “The Stroker” Greatrakes of Affane was born In February 1628-29 and became widely known in Ireland and the UK as a faith healer with an apparent extraordinary success rate in healing the sick. He was originally a lieutenant in Lord Broghill’s horse regiment in 1649 and served in the corps until it’s disbandment on the peace in 1656. He then returned to Affane and discovered that he had a gift of healing. From 1664 onwards he spent the greater period of his life healing the sick by laying hands on them – hence his nickname “The Stroker”. People flocked to Affane to be cured and Valentine Greatrakes treated them whilst refusing to take any payment for the treatment.
Image: The above genealogy tree of John Burke22 outlines the genealogy of Valentine Greatrakes. It does not include the name of Elizabeth Lancaster nee Harris who was another daughter of Sir Edward Harris. Mary Harris (Miss Harris in above tree) married William Greatrakes of affane and their son was the famout Valentine “The Stroker” Greatrakes. The genealogy tree includes the names of a number of other well known families in the West Waterford & East Cork area including Roche, Jones, Hayman and Drew.
Lawlor/Fitzgerald burials:
June 1784: Robert Lawlor (Lawler). Age 84
November 1774: Mary (May) Lawlor wife of Robert Lawlor. Age 76.
Inscription: “Sacred to the memory of Rob Lawler who died June 1784 aged 84 years. Also the Body of May Lawler His Wife who died November 1774 aged 76 years”.
The gravestone also includes the inscription “together with the bodies of their daughters Mary Ellin Elizabeth and Mary ... Garet?.”.
Notes: The Robert & May Lawlor above were from Lackendarra and were parents of Elizabeth Lawler (Lawlor) who married the poet Piaras Mac Gearailt of Rosc Catha na Mumhan fame. Piaras Mac Gearailt was born in Ballykenneally in Ballymacoda but lived a large part of his life around Kilmaloo before his death in Lackendarra in the house of the Lawlers/Lawlors. It would appear from the gravestone inscription that Elizabeth Lawlor, wife of Piaras Mac Gearailt, was buried in Kinsalebeg Church with her parents whereas Piaras Mac Gearailt was buried in his native Ballymacoda. Michael Fitzgerald, son of Piaras Mac Gearailt, is also buried in Kinsalebeg Church (see separate Fitzgerald entry).
Lawlor/Hely family:
See Hely entry
Lennon burials:
16th June 1878?: John Lennon
Lynch burials:
3rd February 1899: Edward “Stoker” Lynch. Inscription on coffin: “Edward Lynch, stoker, Royal Navy, aged 26 years. Died 1st Feb., 1899. R.I.P.”
Notes: Edward “Stoker” Lynch died at the age of twenty six in Monatray on the 1st February 1899. He was a son of Thomas Lynch and Mary Lynch nee Nason of Carty’s Cove, Monatray East. He joined the British Navy in February 1896 and was on board the HMS Thrasher when she struck the rocks off the Dodman in Cornwall in 1897. He made a heroic rescue of a fellow stoker James Paull from the steaming inferno of the Thrasher boiler room. He was badly burned in the process and these injuries ultimately led to his death in 1899 in Monatray. He was the first ordinary seaman to receive a 1st class Albert Medal for bravery as a result of his heroism. He was buried with full naval honours in Kinsalebeg Church.
16th April 1941: Patrick Lynch; Catholic; Ex R.N ?; Residence: Monatrea; Died 13th April 1941; Burial location: South; MOI: Mrs Lynch.
Note: This is probably the brother of Edward “Stoker” Lynch. Patrick Lynch was also served in the Royal Navy.
1947: Patrick Lynch
McGrath burials:
3rd July 1764: Elizabeth McGrath wife of William McGrath, aged 35.
Inscription: ”Here lyeth the Body of Elizabeth McGrath The wife of William McGrath who deceased July the 3rd 1764 Aged 35 years”.
Phelan burials:
26th June 1789: John Phelan. Age 30
Roch/Sheppard burials:
1st to 4th November 1891: Melian Roch: Residence: Woodbine Hill; Died: 1st Nov 1891; Gravestone inscription: “Melian Sheppard nee Roch of Woodbine Hill. Wife of Col H.D. Sheppard. Daughter of George Butler Roch & Jane Wilkinson.”
Notes: Burial location: Just south of far end of church. See Sheppard entry
Roche burials:
February 1953: Samuel Roche; Catholic; Carpenter; Residence: Monatrea; Died February 1953.
24th March 1980: Mollie Roche; Residence: 98 Great W. O’Brien St, Cork.
7th September 1994: Thomas (Tommy) Roche; Residence: Prospect Hall.
30th January 1995: John (Jonney) Roche: Residence: Great W. O’Brien St, Cork.
Notes: Jonney Roche was a brother of Tommy Roche who died 7th September 1994 and he was also husband of Mollie Roche who was buried 24th March 1980. Both Tommy and Jonney Roche were sons of Samuel Roche who died in February 1953.
Ronayne burials:
2nd Sept 1946: John Ronayne; Catholic; Labourer; Residence: Monatrea; Died 31st Aug 1946; Burial location: North; MOI: Paddy & John Foley (Uncles). Grave inscription:” 31st August 1946: John Ronayne. Aged 16 years. Springfield.”
21st July 1948: John Ronayne; Catholic; Labourer; Residence: Monatrea; Died 18th July 1948; Grave inscription:” Jack Ronayne. Aged 54 years. Father of John Ronayne Springfield.”
6th October 1974: Michael Ronayne
29th Jan 1978: Declan Ronayne
Sheppard/Roch burials:
28th Feb 1883: Henry Downes Sheppard; Residence: Woodbine Hill; Died: 25th Feb 1883; Burial location: Just south of far end of church. Gravestone inscription: ”Col. H.D. Sheppard. Age 73 years.” The brothers Henry & John Downes Sheppard had married two of the Roch sisters Melian & Selina respectively, daughters of George Butler Roch. John Downes Sheppard, brother of Henry Downes, is buried in Youghal Collegiate Church and his memorial is located there.
Sinnott burials:
29th April 1812. Peter Sinnott. Age 36. Buried next to 2 of his children - unnamed. Table tomb inscribed: “Sacred to the memory of Peter Sinnott Esq who Departed this life April 29th 1812. Aged 36 Years. May he etc”.
Smyth burials:
7th October 1826: Percy Scott Smyth: Aged 72.
Inscription:”Sacred to the memory of Percy Scott Smyth Esq who departed this life October 7th 1826 Aged 72 years”.
Notes: He inherited Headborough estate and also purchased land of Monatray from Bernard family. His son, also Percy Scott Smyth, inherited Headborough and built Monatray House and was also curate/vicar of Kinsalebeg & Grange for a period.
9th March 1910: Mrs Mary Smyth nee Maxwell. Aged 67. Died 6th March. Wife of Percy Smyth.
12th March 1910: Percy Smyth. Aged 70. Died 10th March. Husband of Mrs Mary Smyth.
Notes: Percy & Mary Smyth lived in Monatray House and also had property in Headborough. The father of Percy Smyth, namely Percy Scott Smyth, was also buried in Kinsalebeg Church as noted above in 1826 entry.
Sunderland burials:
19th Dec (1880-1899?): Mary Sunderland. Age 26 ?
Wakeham burials:
June 1847: Rev William Wakeham:
Inscription: “Sacred to the memory the Rev. William Wakeham. For 7 years Curate of Kinsalebeg who died June AD 1847. He fell victim to disease brought on by his exertions in relieving the wants of the suffering poor of the parish during the memorable pestilence of the Famine. In the 33rd year of his age.”
Note: We have included additional brief details on Rev William Wakeham under Clergy of Kinsalebeg and also in a separate history of Kinsalebeg during the Great Famine. The grave of Rev William Wakeham is under a table tomb in the north west corner of the graveyard according to one historic record.
Walsh burials:
1867/1883: Walsh family: Erected by Mary Walsh in memory of her beloved father Edward Walsh. Died Oct 1867 Age 60.
And her beloved mother Catherine Walsh. Mother of Edward Walsh. Died June 12th 1883. Age ? years.
6th April 1941: Patrick Walsh; Labourer; Residence of Moord, Ferrypoint; Died 5th April 1941; Burial location: South; Management of Internment (MOI): Mrs Bridget Lehane.
November 1954: John Walsh; Catholic; Labourer; Residence: Monatrea East; Burial location: South; MOI: John & William (Sons).
1961: Mrs J Walsh; Catholic; Housewife; Residence: Monatrea East; Burial location: South; MOI: J Walsh & Wm.Pat. Walsh (Sons)
13th November 1983: Patrick (Pad) Walsh
July 1985: Ellen (Ellie) Walsh
Welsh burials:
1832: Welsh family: Charlotte Welsh nee Wigmore, wife of Henry Pierce Walsh, died in 1832 and is buried in Kinsalebeg Church. Aged 33.
Inscription: “Sacred to the Memory of Mrs CHARLOTTE WELSH who died August 1st 1832 in the 33nd year of her age”.
Notes: Henry Pierce Welsh was the husband of Charlotte Welsh. He was a son of Thomas Welsh & Mary Cotter of Killongford Co Waterford. Mary Cotter married James Roche of Glin in 1781 after the death of her first husband Thomas Welsh of Killongford. The Welsh children from her first marriage, led by Robert Welsh, arranged the lease of Woodbine Hill land for their mother Mary Roche nee Welsh nee Cotter in 1793 and this was the first recorded presence of Roch at Woodbine Hill. Charlotte Walsh nee Wigmore was a daughter of Jonathan Wigmore. The Welsh family of Killongford & Canty are believed to be related to the famous Walsh family of Pilltown Castle & Pilltown Manor.
Whelan/Wheelan burials:
Whelan/Whealen/Wheelan family:
4th July 1728: William Whelan Apothecary. Age 30.
Inscription: “Here lieth the Body of Wm Whelan Apothecary who Depd this Life July 4th 1728 Aged 30 years. May ... etc”
29th April 1784: Pearce Whelan. Age 60
29th November 1799: Bridget Whealen wife of Pearce Whelan. Age 74
9th October 1804: Bridget Whealen dau. of Wat. Whealen. Age 16
Inscription:” Here lyeth the Body of Pearse Whelan who Died April the 29th 1784 Aged 60 years. May he rest in peace Amen. Also Bridget Whealen wife of Pearse Whealen who died November the 29th 1799 Aged 74 years. Also Bridget Whealen daughter to Wat Whealen Died October the 9th 1804 Aged 16 years”.
10th August 1774: Edmond Whealan. Age 46. Stone erected by dau. Bridget Whealan (Wheelan)
Inscription:” Erected by Bridget Whealen in memory of her father Edmond Whealen who died August the 10th 1774 aged 46 years. Also in memory of her mother Ellen Whealen who died October the 20th 1820 aged 83”.
20th October 1820: Ellen Wheelan. Age 83. Stone erected by dau. Bridget Whealan (Wheelan).
6th August 1762: Walter Wheelan. Age 34.
Inscription:” Here lyeth the Body of Walter Whelan who Deceased August the 6th 1762 Aged 34 years”.
6th May 1792: Richard Whelan. Age 80 (or 8?)
5th May 1804: Walter Whelan. Age 66. Also his daughter Margaret died 26th Oct 1801 aged 17 years.
20th Feb 1978: Maurice Whelan
Marriages in Kinsalebeg Church (1842-1910)
The following details of marriages in Kinsalebeg Church cover the period of 1842 to 1910 and were obtained from church records held by the Representative Church Body Library20 in Dublin with the exception of the first record. The records indicate that the period covered was 1842 to 1910 but there were no records of any marriages between 1876 and 1910.
1st January 1842: Marriage of Henry Sheppard and Melian Roch.
Henry Sheppard: Captain 19th Madras Native Infantry
Melian Roch: of Woodbine Hill Kinsalebeg, 2nd daughter of George Roch of Woodbine Hill.
Note: This record precedes entries in RCB Library and is taken from Freemans Journal which incorrectly indicates that Captain Henry Sheppard was in the 10th Madras Native Infantry rather than the 19th.
30th October 1848: Marriage of Thomas McGrath and Elizabeth Sloane with celebrant Arthur H. Leech Curate of Ardmore.
Thomas McGrath: Age 30, silvermaker from Youghal, father Thomas McGrath shoemaker
Elizabeth Sloane: Age 26, servant from Kinsalebeg, father R. Sloane seaman.
17th February 1849: Marriage of John Smith and Susan Gee, celebrant James Bagge vicar Templemichael, Witness Simon Bagge
John Smith: Doctor from Cappoquin, father William Smith merchant
Susan Gee: from Cappoquin, father James Gee gentleman, eldest daughter
13th March 1849: Marriage of Charles McCarthy and Honora Ghortia ?
Charles McCarthy: Age 40, widower from Kinsalebeg, father Nugent ? McCarthy labourer
Honora Ghortia?: Age 25, widow from Kinsalebeg, father John Carroll ?
30th June 1849: Marriage of Henry Peard Esq. and Jane Roch, celebrant Arthur Travers (Burroughes)
Henry Peard: from Carrigeen Hall Tallow
Jane Roch: from Woodine Hill Kinsalebeg, father George Roch
14th November 1850: Marriage William Liddy and Mary O’Brien, celebrant P. Foley curate
William Liddy: widower, coastguard from Carty’s Cove, father Wm. Liddy cooper
Mary O’Brien: Aged 20, servant from Carthy’s Cove, father Michael O’Brien quarryman.
10th October 1853: Marriage of George Holmes and Joanna Hannon, celebrant Arthur T. Burroughs
George Holmes: Age 28, soldier in 39th Reg, from Youghal, father John Holmes joiner
Joanna Hannon: Age 20 from Piltown, father Thomas Hannon labourer.
10th May 1854: Marriage of Rev. Mellanus Spread and Arabella Peard
Mellanus Spread: Clergyman from Knockinaura Parsonage, father Rev. Thomas Spread Camion DD/Clergyman
Arabella Peard: Woodbine Hill, Kinsalebeg, father late Henry Peard of Carrigeen Hall
20th December 1854: Marriage of Valentine Lawler Frenor and Charlotte Theodore Burroughs
Valentine Lawler Frenor: Surgeon, Mealiffe Glebe, Co Tipperary, father Valentine Lawler Frenor clergyman.
Charlotte Theodore Burroughs: Monatrea House, Youghal, father Arthur Burroughs clergyman, eldest daughter
19th June 1855: Marriage of Robert Mercier and Louisa Wenmouth, celebrant vicar William Shaw
Robert Mercier: Sub Constable Police from Redforge Co. Waterford, father Lenox Mercier farmer
Louisa Wenmouth: Carthy’s Cove (Monatary East , Waterford, father Richard Wenmouth Carthy’s Cove
16th August 1855: Marriage of John Sheppard and Selina Roch, celebrant vicar William Shaw
John Sheppard: Coastguard officer from East Ferry Cork, father Anthony Robinson Sheppard Esq.
Selina Roch: Woodbine Hill, father George Roche Esq.
21st January 1857: Marriage of William Browne and Bridget Ryan, celebrant James Bagge vicar of Templemichael
William Browne: Gamekeeper from Grange (Co. Waterford), father James Browne gamekeeper
Bridget Ryan: Farmer’s daughter from Grange (Co. Waterford), father Denis Ryan farmer
10th June 1858: Marriage of Edward Musgrave and Annastasia Letitia Gee, celebrant James Bagge vicar of Templemichael
Edward Musgrave: Gentleman from Grange (Co. Waterford), father Richard Musgrave, Bart
Annastatia Letitia Gee: Cappagh (Co Waterford), father James Gee gentleman
29th December 1859: Marriage of James Abernethy and Elizabeth Francis Jackson, celebrant vicar William Shaw
James Abernethy: Schoolmaster from Ardmore, father James Abernethy Constable of County Waterford.
Elizabeth Francis Jackson: Age 19, Carthy’s Cove, father William Jackson coastguard
30th April 1861: Marriage of John William Greene and Anne Welsh, celebrant vicar William Shaw
John William Greene: Gentleman from D’Loughtane, father William Greene clergyman
Anne Welsh: D’Loughtane, father Thomas Welsh gentleman
2nd June 1864: Marriage of John Jackson and Miriam Marshall, celebrant vicar William Shaw
John Jackson: Schoolmaster from Carthy’s Cove, father William Jackson coastguard
Miriam Marshall: School teacher ?r, Carthy’s Cove, father John Marshall schoolmaster
17th February 1876: Marriage of Robert R.B Stowards and Anna Maria Hungerford, celebrant Richard Woods vicar of Grange
Robert R.B Stowards: Gentleman officer ? from Fort Richard, father Robert R.R Stowards officer
Anna Maria Hungerford: Lady from Prospect Hall ?, father Thomas Hungerford gentleman
Conclusion of Kinsalebeg Church History
This concludes the unfortunately rather incomplete history of Kinsalebeg Church but hopefully it will be a start point for building a more comprehensive history in the decades ahead. There is no doubt that a church has existed in this location for over seven hundred years and probably considerably longer. It had its origins as a Catholic Church but from the time of Henry VIII up to the start of the 20th century it came under the auspices of the Church of Ireland. The last service in Kinsalebeg Church apparently took place in 1926. In the intervening century the church has gradually deteriorated but the main structure is still largely intact. Burials did take place infrequently subsequent to 1926 with the last burial taking place as recently as 2007. The church is somewhat unusual in that both Catholics and Protestants were interred here at different periods over the centuries. The location of the church offers a tremendous view over the mouth of the River Blackwater and the town of Youghal. It has undoubtedly been witness to many historic events down through the centuries, including the passing of Cromwell and his army on the way to Youghal in 1649, the sinking of the Duncannon frigate by artillery fire from Ferrypoint during the 1641 rebellion, a number of major boating accidents between Ferrypoint & Youghal and military activities in a multitude of rebellions and wars. It was of course also witness to the desperate years of the Black Death and the Great Famine which devastated the country. The Black Death completely devastated Kinsalebeg and it is on record as the only parish in Ireland where there were apparently no survivors of this dreadful 1348-1350 pandemic. It may indeed have been witness to the 864 battle when the powerful West Waterford based Deise tribe destroyed the Viking fort at Youghal. It was also a probable witness to the sea battle which took place at the mouth of the river Blackwater in 1173 when a Norman fleet, returning from a raid on Lismore, defeated a fleet of Irish and Viking ships who intercepted them. There is no doubt that Kinsalebeg graveyard contains the remains of the ancestors of many emigrants from these shores as well as the remains of the ancestors of many present day Kinsalebeg descendants. It was the final resting place of many known Kinsalebeg heroes over the centuries including the Rev William Wakeham and Stoker Lynch. Their memory should not be forgotten nor indeed the memory of the many thousands of undocumented dead of all persuasions who are buried in Kinsalebeg Church.
1 ^ a b c Succession List of the Dioceses of Waterford and Lismore by William H. Rennison (Church of Ireland Library Dublin)
2 ^ Waterford & Lismore; A Compendius History of the United Dioceses by Rev Patrick Power 1937
3 ^ a b 1291-92 Taxatio issued by Pope Nicholas IV. An edition was reprinted in 1802 by the Record Commission and was called Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae Auctoritate.
4 ^ Fraser’s Magazine Vol XXXII July to December 1845.
5 ^ a b Irish Migrants in New Zealand 1840-1937: The Desired Haven by Angela McCarthy (2005).
6 ^ Clergy of Waterford, Lismore & Ferns by Cotton & Rennison [NLI Ref 8B/171]
7 ^ The Ancient Ruined Churches in Co. Waterford by Rev. P. Power published in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 1891.
8 ^ The Ancient and Present State of the County and City of Waterford by Charles Smith Published 1774
9 ^ Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis., Vol 2. Published in 1837 by S.Lewis & Co, Aldersgate Street, London
10 ^ Life of St. Declan of Ardmore and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore by Rev Patrick Power Published 1914
11 ^ Lateran Regesta Vol CXIV during reign of Pope Boniface IX (1389-1404).
12 ^ Lateran Regesta Vol CXIV during reign of Pope Boniface IX (1389-1404).
13 ^ December 1470: Lateran Regesta 706: 1470 during reign of Pope Paul II.
14 ^ December 1470: Lateran Regesta 706: 1470 during reign of Pope Paul II.6 Id. Dec. 1470
15 ^ Lismore Papers of Earl of Cork. National Library of Ireland MS Collection 129.
16 ^ Pococke’s Tour in Ireland in 1752 by Richard Pococke, Edited by George T. Stokes.
17 ^ Archdall’s Monasticon Hibernicum by Mervyn Archdall. Published in 1786.
18 ^ Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland 1844-1845, Vol II D-M. Published Fullarton & Co 1846.
19 ^ House of Commons Vol LIX Accounts and Papers for period Feb to July 1863
20 ^ a b Burials and Marriage Register for Kinsalebeg Church located at Church of Ireland RCB Library, Dublin.
21 ^ Buildings of Ireland (see www.buildingsofireland.ie)
22 ^ The Patriarch Vol 2 by John Burke. Published 1866.